Solved: DPI Project Peer-Peer Review

As you begin writing your chapters, you will be sharing a shortened version of the sections of the proposal to gain peer-to-peer feedback. Obtain the Proposal Template from the DC Network and address each area with at least five concise sentences for each section. Spelling and grammar will be reviewed and graded. Note: When you write the chapters, adhere to the Proposal Paper requirements. Chapter One, Part 1: Introduce the Project: This section briefly overviews the project focus or practice problem, why this project is worth conducting, and how this project will be completed. Background of the Project: The background section explains both the history and the present state of the problem and project focus. Problem Statement (must be templated): It was not known if or to what degree the implementation of __________________would impact ______________ when compared to _______________ among ___________ (population). Purpose of the Project (must be templated): The purpose of this ___________( i.e., quantitative pretest posttest) project was to determine if or to what degree the implementation of _________________ (intervention) would impact ______________(what) when compared to _______________________ among ___________(population) in a ________ (setting i.e., primary care clinic, ER, OR) in ________ (state) over _______ (time). Clinical Question(s): In a paragraph prior to listing the clinical questions, include a discussion of the clinical questions, relating them to the problem statement. Templated statement: To what degree does the implementation of _______________ (intervention) impacts __________________ (what) when compared to _____________ among _____________ (population) patients in a ______ (setting) in _______ (state) over 4 weeks? Then, include a leading phrase to introduce the questions, such as: The following clinical questions guide this quantitative project: Q1________________; Q2 ________________ Advancing Scientific Knowledge: This section specifically describes how the project will advance population health outcomes on the topic. It can be a small step forward in a line of current projects, but it must add to the current body of knowledge in the literature. It identifies the gap or need based on the current literature and discusses how the project will address that gap or need.