Solved: Annotated Bibliography

For this assignment, you must gather six sources to help you write your essay. For each source, you must provide a proper MLA or APA style citation in perfect form. Once you have created these entries, you must compose two paragraphs for each source. The first paragraph is a summary and must explain what the source focused on. This paragraph should be short — only three to five sentences. Your bibliography should consist of six entries A maximum of one of these may be website sources. There needs to be a minimum of one paper book included in the bibliography. Encyclopedias/dictionaries (including Wikipedia) do not count as reliable sources for an academic project of this nature. Entries should be listed in alphabetical order. Entries should be properly formatted (you can use program like Microsoft Word for this) and utilize a hanging indent The second paragraph is an evaluation of the source. You can answer two types of questions in this brief paragraph. How reliable was the source and how quality was its research? How does this research relate back to your own topic/research? Was it helpful? This is example Annotated Bibliography Breakdown: Annotated Bibliography Breakdown Stem Cell Research: An Annotated Bibliography Holland, Suzanne. The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy. Boston: MIT P, 2001. This is the annotation of the above source, which is formatted according to MLA 2016 (8th ed.) guidelines for the bibliographic information listed above. If one were really writing an annotation for this source, one would offer a brief summary of what this book says about stem cell research. After a brief summary, it would be appropriate to assess this source and offer some criticisms of it. Does it seem like a reliable and current source? Why? Is the research biased or objective? Are the facts well documented? Who is the author? Is she qualified in this subject? Is this source scholarly, popular, some of both? The length of your annotation will depend on the assignment or on the purpose of your annotated bibliography. After summarizing and assessing, you can now reflect on this source. How does it fit into your research? Is this a helpful resource? Too scholarly? Not scholarly enough? Too general/specific? Since "stem cell research" is a very broad topic, has this source helped you to narrow your topic? Senior, K. "Extending the Ethical Boundaries of Stem Cell Research." Trends in Molecular Medicine, vol. 7, 2001, pp. 5-6. Not all annotations have to be the same length. For example, this source is a very short scholarly article. It may only take a sentence or two to summarize. Even if you are using a book, you should only focus on the sections that relate to your topic. Not all annotated bibliographies assess and reflect; some merely summarize. That may not be the most helpful for you, but, if this is an assignment, you should always ask your instructor for specific guidelines. Wallace, Kelly. "Bush Stands Pat on Stem Cell Policy." CNN. 13 Aug. 2001. Using a variety of sources can help give you a broader picture of what is being said about your topic. You may want to investigate how scholarly sources are treating this topic differently than more popular sources. But again, if your assignment is to only use scholarly sources, then you will probably want to avoid magazines and popular web sites. The bibliographic information above is proper MLA format (use whatever style is appropriate in your field) and the annotations are in paragraph form. Note also that the entries are alphabetized by the first word in the bibliographic entry. If you are writing an annotated bibliography with many sources, it may be helpful to divide the sources into categories. For example, if putting together an extensive annotated bibliography for stem cell research, it might be best to divide the sources into categories such as ethical concerns, scholarly analyses, and political ramifications. Annotated Bibliography Example. Please focus more on nursing): Abdul-Wahab, Sabah, Mahmood Y. Abdulraheem, and Melanie Hutchinson. "The Need for Inclusion of Environmental Education in Undergraduate Engineering Curricula." International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 4.2 (2003): 126-37. ProQuest. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. Research paper "The Need for Inclusion of Environmental Education in Undergraduate Engineering Curricula". States how the inclusion of environmental engineering into undergraduate programs is essential. Gives statistics about what is changing the environment and how disastrous these changes are. Changes include pollution to scarcity of natural resources, all threats to well-being of society. The field of environmental engineering for students will grant access to more jobs, knowledge, and new ideas for cleaner, safer designs and a better future. Environmental issues arise if an engineer wants to build a building or construct a bridge; it’s essential to know the environment in order to build on it. Students are often the best place to start when implementing a new concept that is sometimes harder to be accepted by older generations. Universities are a good place to begin full of young adults eager to change the way they fit into their world. What better way to impact their surroundings then to major in environmental engineering, so they can help preserve the world they are moving into to live and work after college. Jobs are created through the need to protect the very environment that has been sustaining mankind from the beginning of time. Environmental engineering protects against further damage to the planet and helps new generations, by educating them about the Earth and its invaluable environment. Dominik, J., J. L. Loizeau, and R. L. Thomas. "Bridging the Gaps between Environmental Engineering and Environmental Natural Science Education."International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 4.1 (2003): 17-24.ProQuest. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. A big gap exists between environmental engineers and natural scientists, to close the gap communication needs to be improved, clarified and utilized more often. The gap exists because the learning in the two fields does not overlap consistently because of diverse models, information, and different techniques used for teaching. To fix this discord collaboration is called for. To advance toward better ideas each field must no longer be studied and practiced in isolation from the other. The benefits of exchanging findings, research, and methods are not limited to the students and teachers, but to society as a whole. Efficiency to a better and clearer environment can be designed and implemented into society through collaboration. Here the emergence of teamwork will be evident in the production of ideas far quicker and broader than if environmental engineers and natural scientists worked alone. Goel, Ramesh, et al. "Molecular Biological Methods in Environmental Engineering. “Water Environment Research 83.10 (2011): 927-55. ProQuest. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. The focus is on the “omics revolution” which is studying all processes surrounding macromolecules, under certain environmental conditions. Findings of the recent advancements in molecular Biological applications. Application to the environments water or surface ecosystems to treat or prevent spread of contamination or pollution. Then to be used by environmental engineers or microbiologists, for further research and application. Through advancements in biological methods on a macroscopic level, environmental engineers can profile ecosystems. In doing so every seam is opened, discovering what is prospering or dissipating. Showing that other fields of study need environmental engineering for assistance and to advance their studies from a different perspective. Proving how significant the presence of environmental engineering is for biology and many other fields of study. An acceleration of progress on microarrays is one example. All derived from environmental engineering findings.