Solved: Real Life Criminology

ASSIGNMENT 3 This assignment must be typed and submitted through Blackboard. Your response must be between 3 to 5 pages double-spaced (to be clear at least 3 pages means it needs to reach the end of the 3rd page) and 12-point font. Follow the instructions provided below in order to achieve as many points possible for this assignment. Failure to follow directions will result in a loss of points. Do NOT plagiarize. Plagiarism is a serious issue and will result in NO POINTS being given. Plagiarism can be avoided using proper citations. This is how you must cite the textbook (Schmalleger, 2019). You need to use this citation in your paper after discussing material from the book. Direct quotes should be avoided and information taken from the book, PowerPoint slides, or any other sources should be paraphrased instead. This assignment must be turned-in through Blackboard by 11:59 pm the day it’s due. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. Real Life Criminology Choose a REAL criminal. The criminal you choose must be a REAL PERSON. For your assignment:
  1. Explain who the person is. Summarize the background they come from. I know a lot about famous criminals, but I don't know everything so some explanation is necessary. Do not spend too much time describing the criminal. Mention just enough so that you can apply the theory to them.
  2. Describe the types of crime this person has committed based on the typologies that we have discussed in class. Your criminal MUST have committed one of the crimes that we discussed in class. Specifically, a type of crime that falls under one of these typology of crimes: Crimes Against Persons; Crimes Against Property; Drug and Sex Crimes; Technology and Crime; Globalization and Terrorism. Explain the typology of crime in detail.
  3. Choose a theory to explain this person's offending. First, explain the theory in detail. Second, apply it to your criminal’s behavior. Make sure you explain the theory fully. You may choose from ANY of the theories from Assignment 1 or 2. Refer to the list below.
You must go beyond just explaining the criminal, the crimes they committed, and the theory. You need to integrate the criminal with the theory and fully explain how the character fits with the theory. Simply describing the criminal, the crimes they committed, and the theory will result in a deduction of points. The bulk of this paper should be B and C (i.e. explaining the typology, explaining the theory in detail, and applying the theory to your character’s offending). In addition, you MUST cite at least once from the course textbook. Theories You must choose from one of the following theories:
  • Theories from Classical & Neo-Classical Criminology:
    • Rational Choice Theory
    • Situational Choice Theory
    • Deterrence Theory (includes: Specific deterrence & General deterrence)
  • Theories from Biological Theories:
    • Constitutional Theories
    • Biosocial Theories (includes: Gene environment interactions – aka anything from the Biosocial Criminology slide with the bubbles)
  • Theories from Psychological Theories:
    • Psychopathy
    • Trait Theory
    • Moral development theory
    • Cognitive Information-Processing Theory and/or Script Theory
    • Psychoanalytic Theory
    • Attachment Theory
    • Behavior Theory
    • Social Cognition Theory
  • Theories from Social Structure Chapter:
    • Social Disorganization Theory (This theory can, but does not need to, include concepts such as: Criminology of Place, Theory of Deviant Neighborhoods, Broken Windows Thesis, Collective Efficacy)
    • Classical Strain Theory (This theory can, but does not need to, include concepts such as: Relative Deprivation, Distributive Justice)
    • General Strain Theory
    • Culture Conflict Theory (The following are all individual culture conflict theories. If you choose this theory make sure you discuss Culture Conflict Theory in general and then one of the individual culture conflict theories listed here: Focal concerns, Techniques of Neutralization, Differential Opportunity Theory, Reaction Formation, Code of the Streets)
  • Theories from Social Process & Social Development Chapter:
    • Differential Association Theory/Differential Reinforcement Theory and/or Social Structure-Social Learning
    • Containment Theory
    • Social Bond Theory
    • General Theory of Crime
    • Control Balance Theory
    • Labeling Theory
    • Age-Graded Theory
    • Dual Taxonomic Theory
    • Interactional Theory
  • Theories from Social Conflict Chapter:
    • Radical-Critical Criminology
  The above list includes all of the theories I think would be appropriate for this assignment. If the theory that you were thinking of using is not listed above, I suggest you come speak with me. DO NOT USE A THEORY OR CONCEPT THAT IS NOT ON THIS LIST WITHOUT SPEAKING TO ME FIRST. Additionally, you may only discuss one theory for this assignment. Grading Points will be assigned based upon:
  1. Explaining the criminal
  2. Explaining the type of crime your criminal committed (aka the specific type of crime and the typology of crime it falls under)
  3. Describing the theory of your choice in detail
  4. Applying the theory to the criminal
  5. YOU MUST CITE AT LEAST ONCE FROM THE TEXTBOOK AND CITE CORRECTLY. Points will be deducted if you do not cite from the textbook.
  6. Using proper grammar, spelling, and organization.