Solved: Writing Assignment #3 THE PROPOSAL ARGUMENT LETTER & ESSAY

Assignment Overview: Think of a problem on your camps or in your community that might be resolved with some effort. For example, when pedestrians are forced to cross a busy street where accidents have occurred, what is the best solution? Consider how many people the problem affects. For this assignment, your task is to write a proposal argument AND a letter introducing your proposal. Audience is crucial for this assignment because your job is to address the proposal argument and letter to someone who can  make a change. Be sure to give enough details, facts and examples to support your proposal and solution. The purpose of the essay is to understand and convey the process and product of effective argumentation and attain the ability to link an argument to the values and beliefs of the intended audience. You need to develop an effective claim (thesis) and provide evidence, examples and support for your thesis. Primary Tasks: In your essay, you will be required to:
  • Write a letter introducing your proposal
  • Craft a proposal argument essay that outlines the problem and your proposed solution
  • Analyze how this issue and claim affects your readers
  • Articulate assumptions and beliefs commonly held regarding the issue
  • Analyze opposing views and provide examples and details to support the views
  • Provide a possible solution or solutions to support the claim
  • Use persuasive speech to articulate the problem and convey the possible solution
  • Provide your personal view and evidence to support it and explain why you feel this way
Self-Assessment: Your Proposal Argument essay will be assessed and grading based on the following criteria:
  • Is the letter written in a professional manner and does it target an audience who can make a change?
  • Does the essay clearly set out the issue, concept or controversy and establish background information about the topic in the introduction? Is a clear thesis/position identifiable? Does the introduction capture interest?
  • Does the essay provide all crucial elements of a proposal argument, including outlining the criteria, offering supporting arguments and addressing opposing views?
  • Does the writer guide the reader through the problem, instruct, persuade and entertain?
  • Is the introduction and conclusion thorough and engaging? Does the essay capture interest? Are transitions used to enhance the flow of the essay? Does the essay have a clear main point and a recognizable thesis statement?
  • Is the thesis supported throughout the essay? Is the essay organized in a logical fashion? Is the writing persuasive? Does the essay “show” vs. “tell?”
  • Does the essay demonstrate control over grammar, spelling, and punctuation?
Keep in mind that you, of course, want to follow the conventions of the language, which means use good grammar and apply the rules of punctuation appropriate for academic writing. The final draft of your letter and proposal argument should be at least 1,000 words typed and single spaced. Supplemental Instruction: It’s imperative that you review Chapter 13: Proposal Arguments before determining a topic or drafting. The textbook features essay samples that detail the style and tone options you have available. In addition, complete the following activities to better prepare for this assignment (this is required). Brainstorming Activity: Make a list of five common problems that you are passionate about in each category below to begin brainstorming for the Proposal Argument Essay. Try and narrow these issues so that they are local and pertinent to you, your family or your community.
  • Issues in the Community:
  • Issues You Foresee in the Workplace:
  • Family Concerns:
  • Problems with Education:
Template for a Working Outline: Complete the following outline to ensure you have all the components of a Proposal Argument included in your  essay.
  • Define the Problem:
  • Define Your Proposed Solution:
  • Outline Your Justification:
  • Supporting Criteria:
  • Supporting Criteria:
  • Supporting Criteria:
  • Alternative View:
  • Rebuttal: