Solved: Understanding Gargoyle and Grotesque.

  1. Glance at Preble chapters from:
    -Set 4: Part 2 Chapters 6, 7, 8, or 9
    -Set 5: Part 2 Chapter 10 or 11
    -Set 6: Part 2 Chapter 12, 13, or 14
  2. Select one chapter from each set to become familiar with stylistically.
  3. Define gargoyle and grotesque.
  4. Locate an image of a gargoyle or grotesque, preferably from a geographic location you are currently in.
  5. Discuss the historical significance and posture (body language) of the gargoyle or grotesque you chose.
  6. Explain the gargoyle's or grotesque's narrative qualities and potential for sending a message.
  7. Explain whether it can be considered art, craft, or both and explain which stylistic period you would place it under and why.

Make your arguments clear, describing your choices and why you chose them.

Requirement Guidelines

  • Explain the difference between and purpose of a gargoyle and grotesque
  • Include comments on its meaning through posture, body language, and facial expressions
  • Identify which period the gargoyle or grotesque might belong to
  • Demonstrate understanding of art and craft by associating their characteristics with or against your gargoyle or grotesque
  • Excel in this discussion by identifying which critique style(s) you used in your information synthesis