International Marketing Strategy – an Analysis of P&G

307LON CW1 Assessment

Assignment title: International Marketing Strategy – an Analysis of P&G Assignment Weight: 40% of your overall module mark.

Assessment type: Individual Report (2,000 words)

Assessment deadline: 5pm, Monday, week 7.

Assignment Briefing:

You are required to draw up an International Marketing Analysis for a case study brand (please see the brand name below), and critically evaluate the main marketing activities of the brand when offering one of their products in a local market and an international market.

More specifically, you are required to select only one of the company's products for the purpose of this assignment, and conduct a thorough analysis. The analysis will include comparisons between the Marketing activities of the case study brand in the UK and those in a country of your choice. You will need to adopt a ‘compare and contrast’ approach, to critically evaluate similarities and differences of the Marketing activities of case study brand when offering the product in the UK versus the country of your choice. The UK will be considered as the ‘local market’ (regardless of the country of origin of the brand) and the country of your choice will be considered as the ‘international market’.

In order to present a well-constructed report, you will need to carry out a thorough evaluation of the brand’s International Marketing activities and that of their key competitors. You will also need to investigate the latest trends and developments within the particular sector.

The key to success in this assignment is the critical evaluation of the International Marketing activities related to your chosen product, and this can be achieved with the use of theoretical concepts and models along with plenty of examples related to your case study brand. All arguments made should be evidenced and well-justified.

Case study Brand:

Procter & Gamble

Indicative Structure:

 Non-anonymous Cover Sheet (available on Moodle)

 Title page with student details and coursework details

o Critical evaluation of key factors influencing the sector and/or the case study brand. (PESTEL model is optional - to be provided in an appendix)

 Industry Analysis in the two countries (Micro Analysis)

o Critical evaluation of key industry factors influencing the case study brand/product.

(Porter’s 5 Forces model is optional – to be provided in an appendix). Focus should be given on competitor analysis and buyer behaviour.

o Critical evaluation of the main activities of the brand when promoting the product of your choice in the local market and the international market (7Ps/Marketing Mix is optional – to be provided in an appendix). Focus should be given on customer acquisition and retention activities.

 Executive summary. No more than one page.

 Table of contents

 Introduction (a brief synopsis of the report and the case study brand).

 Environmental Analysis in the two countries (Macro Analysis)

 Marketing Strategy Analysis: STP

o Critically evaluation of where the brand stands in both markets (SWOT Analysis is optional). Focus on brand resources and capabilities and brand reputation.

o Segmentation – Targeting – Positioning to be provided separately with clarity and detailed justification in the main body of the report.

 Marketing Strategy Analysis: Promotional Activities

 Conclusion and Recommendations

 List of references in Harvard Format

 Appendices (optional)

Please note that in the main body of your report you should focus on critically analysing the key (only) aspects of the factors influencing the International Marketing Strategy of the case

study brand, instead of providing an exhaustive list of information regarding those factors.

Criticality, rather than a lengthy description, is required in this assignment.

Assignment Requirements:

 Word count limit: 2,000 (i.e. from 1,800-2,200 words strictly).

 Sections not included in the word count: title page, executive summary, table of contents, reference list and appendices.

 Submission on Moodle via Turnitin.

 Extensive secondary research is required to develop your assignment.

 Primary research would be welcome, but not required in this assignment – Ethics

approval will be required prior to primary data collection (Ethics form available on Moodle).

 Analysis must be supported with evidence (citations, quotations and referencing).

 Illustrations, graphs, charts, figures, pictures, tables and sketches are properly part of the

report and may be placed throughout the text, or included in an appendix, and referenced. These are not included in the word count. NB: tables created to facilitate the presentation of models, when placed within the main body of the report (e.g. PESTEL table, SWOT etc.), will be included in the word count.

 Attention! Text saved within images included as tables will NOT be marked by your tutor as part of the major criteria for the assignment and will be considered as appendix content only.

 Application of knowledge gained throughout this module should be emphasised; Layout:

 All sources of information must be cited throughout the report – In-text citation should be in Harvard Style of Referencing;

 A full reference list in the Harvard format is required;

Your work should be word processed (e.g. in Microsoft Word document) in accordance with the following:

 Font style Times New Roman, font size 12

 1.5 line spacing.

 The page orientation should be ‘portrait’

 Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm

 Pages should be numbered