Creating a Case Brief

Create a case brief for the following cases:

Anderson v Creighton  Issue:  Were the FBI Agent’s actions objectively reasonable? 

Town of Castle Rock v Gonzalez  Issue: Did she have a constitutional right to police enforcement of the domestic violence restraining order?   

The format for your case briefs should include the following-each heading is a new paragraph.

CASE NAME (w/citation), 

Rule of Law (optional), 

ISSUE (only one)(also known as the Constitutional or Legal Question) 

FACTS (summary-enough to understand the case before the court-this is your call)

HOLDING (of the Court) 

         Yes or No. 

followed by the legal rule the court applied to the facts of the case

DECISION or REASONING:  (reasons and arguments the court gave to support its holding.  To include the following where appropriate………


Concurring (if provided) 
