The Written Symposium Statement and PowerPoint

Essay#4: The Written Symposium Statement and PowerPoint based on your research  for  SA#3 - (  i  will  include  SA#3  at  the  very  bottom  of  the  page)


Write a 600-800 word symposium statement that you will  illustrate with a PowerPoint. You will share your PowerPoint with your classmates on a Discussion Board. Your PowerPoint and participation in the Discussion Board will comprise your grade for SA#5.

 To  develop  the  proofs  in  your Written  Symposium  Statement  use  the  three  or four sources  you  read  for  your

 SA#3:  Exploratory  Paper.  You may use additional research. Include rebuttals to the claims of those who disagree with you.

Cite the sources in the text of your paper by mentioning the names of the authors. List the sources in an MLA-style Works Cited at the end of the paper.

            1.                               Outline  of  SA#4  The  Written  Symposium  Statement

Exigence: In your first paragraph narrate the exigence, which are the series of events that have brought the issue into the news.

Claim: Spell out your claim emphatically at the end of your first paragraph..

Proofs: In two or three paragraphs, spell out the two or three reasons that your audience should accept your claims. Use your research to develop these paragraphs with logical and emotional proofs. Begin each paragraph with a sentence that spells out the claim that supports your claim in paragraph one..

Include rebuttals to the claims of those who disagree with you. Cite your sources by mentioning the author’s names. Conclusion: Restate your claim emphatically.

Works Cite: follow MLA guidelines. Must be 600-800 words

 2.    Essay  #5:  The  Symposium  Presentation

Follow these guidelines in creating your own, individual PowerPoint Presentation that will illustrate your written symposium statement:

Do not crowd your slides with text. Limit each slide to about 10 words or less.

Do use pictures that support that bring the issue to life and that help prove your claims.

If you are presenting the Exigence of the issue include this information:

What happened recently to make the issue newsworthy? What people or groups are involved? Why is the issue controversial What question or questions does the issue raise?

Your Claim: Spell it out briefly and emphatically and memorably. Follow some of the suggestions in the handout on Style.

First Proof: What specific reasons and evidence supports your claim? Second Proof:

Third Proof (you may have more than three proofs):

Rebuttal: Explain why the opposing claims are wrong:

Emotionally Stirring Conclusion:  Restate your claim in a memorable and striking way.  Offer a slogan and a picture.


For SA#4: Symposium Statement, I suggest that you use a claim-with-reasons arrangement.

Begin your essay narrating the specific recent events--the exigence--that have raised the issue and have caused intelligent people to disagree about the best way to resolve it. Then, at the end of that narrative of the exigence, spell out your claim clearly and concisely.

At the top of each of the paragraphs that follows, spell out a reason your claim is true.Use your research to develop proofs that support those reasons. This is where remembering

the SICDADS can help. You should also include rebuttals to the claims made against your argument. You might write an essay in which each paragraph rebuts a different argument against your claim, or maybe you include just one paragraph of rebuttal. Begin drafting your SA#4 by re-reading the assignment on the course menu. In Perspectives on Argument, you will find a brief summary of the MLA guidelines and model essays in the supplemental pages at the front of the book. You will find detailed help in “Part 3 Writing a Researched Argument” on pages 327-402. Look, especially, at

the student-written, single-perspective argument that starts on page 373. Remember that you must cite your sources in the text of your essay and list them under Works Cited at the end of the essay. You cite a source by mentioning the name of the author of the source either in a phrase before the quoted or summarized information from the source--Careen Shannon says--or in parentheses after the quoted or summarized source like this: (Shannon). You cite an unsigned article by mentioning its title.

The Five Canons of Rhetoric,

Cicero, the greatest orator of, of ancient Rome, wrote The Institute of Rhetoric, a handbook on the art of public speaking. His five canons of rhetoric remain useful to modern writers and speakers. He divides the process of creating effective speeches (or for writing and effective arguments) into five canons, or steps: Invention, Arrangement, Style, Memory, and Delivery  You may see in your own writing process for essays in

this class the operation of these canons.

Invention: At the this stage you are looking for ideas and information you can included in your essay. To help you invent (or discover) ideas for your writing you have studied the Toulmin model of argument. It leads you to write a focused claim and discover appropriate proofs based on your foundational beliefs--or warrants. Your knowledge of the  SICDADS--the seven types of logical proofs--can help you identify proofs appropriate to your claim. Reading and research are also tools for invention. Arrangement: After you have gathered the material for your essay, you write an outline or a first draft. In your first three assignments, I have provided a plan for arranging your

ideas. Your first essay, I suggested an inductive arrangement. You tell a story that leads to

a claim about your argument style. In your second essay, I asked you to read an essay and try to summarize generally it in a single sentence then summarize it section by section. In your third essay, I asked you to identify a particular issue and express it as a question,

then summarize the opposing view points that answer your title question.

Style: At this stage of the composing process you look for the words that will express your ideas in a memorable way. If you follow the advice I have given you about avoiding wordiness by spelling out "Who does what?" your style will improve. At the beginning and end of your essay you must spell out your claim in a memorable way. Perhaps imitating some of these figures of speech will help you write that memorable claim:

Aphorisms: sentences whose brevity attest to their truth. Try expressing your claim in three to five words. Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century wrote aphorisms that we still use: Time is money. Brevity is the soul of wit. Debt makes another man your master. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Misery loves company. Time flies. Advertisers use slogans that sometimes raise their sales. "Five dollar foot longs" made money for Subway. Its effectiveness owes to it brevity and to the alliteration of the "F" and "L" sounds. "Easy, breezy, beautiful--Cover Girl" : This slogan has survived the decades perhaps because it has rhyme ("easy, breezy" and alliteration ("breezy, beautiful" "Cover Girl").

Commands: Just do it. Save the whales. Remember the Alamo!

Antithesis: the co-joining of opposites, like old and new in "You cannot teach an old dog new tricks."

Chiasmus: The ABBA pattern of mirror repetition: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. ("Chi" is the Greek word for "X")

Memory: In ancient times before printing, universal literacy, indexes, computers, search engines, and teleprompters--people developed their memories. Speakers memorized their speeches through repetition and rehearsal aided by techniques that helped them remember the parts of a speech. These techniques had speakers imagine the parts of their speeches arranged like the parts of a building--a memory theatre. Your PowerPoint can serve as a memory theater when you make a speech to an audience.

Delivery: Orators practiced the gestures and the vocal techniques that would help them deliver their speech to a listening audience. Delivery for a essay comes down to following the MLA guidelines, which require you to use your computer to produce a document that looks like you wrote it on a typewriter.  Your PowerPoint (SA#5) allows you to use the resources of your computer to deliver your message with eye-catching typography, graphs, charts, and images that will engage your audience.