ENL 102 PROJECT 3 Common Assignment FRAME

Mapping, Responding to, and JOINING the Conversation

This outline offers a model for the types of paragraphs you would find in an Academic Argument. The order is up to you.

Introduction Paragraph(s) Objectives

 Hook the reader (relate through experience, current events, contemporary issues)

 Identify your topic: What are you talking about?

o  Define any unclear terms in your own words

 Identify two to three varying viewpoints/groups: What’s the controversy? X vs. Y This is a mini-map the debate ¶ to orient readers to: your group names and what they are arguing.

 Establish the stakes: Why does it matter?

 Present a clear thesis: What are you arguing? (may be a question you will answer later)

*Mapping Conversation Paragraphs Objectives (GROUPs):

 Show what THEY SAY (agree on) as a GROUP in response to your question/thesis (multiple sentences) and name the GROUP—this is your UNITE ¶. What do they agree on?

 Introduce sources as credible and include a main point summary (what) and types of evidence used (how)

Professor of rhetoric Smith conducted a study that concludes students must read rhetorically in order to write researched papers effectively with rhetorical awareness.

 Include a sub-summary in relation to your research focus/thesis if needed (stated or implied)

 Put sources into conversation to show the nuances of how they agree & diverge within the GROUP with Synthesis Claims (must overtly name sources in SC)

o  Link to thesis: How does the source engage with the overall argument? (build the connection)

o  Provide textual evidence (quotes) for all sources named in synthesis claims for proof

 Present the strengths and weaknesses of the GROUP (as a group) in answer to your research question if needed—here or Map the Debate paragraphs.

              REPEAT for All GROUPS

Map the Debate Paragraph(s) Objectives:

 Pull back from the minutia of the synthesis work and talk about the debate between the groups. This crucial work provides the space for you to JOIN the conversation

 Summarize the THEY SAYs/GROUPS in relation to each other  (use the group names you devised)

o  HERE or in above section: Present the strengths and weaknesses of the GROUPS in answer to your research question

 Build the conversation (ARGUMENT) between GROUPS with synthesis claims using group names.

o  Specifically point to a flaw within the argument(s) (the reasoning, the research, an undefined word, and unstated premise, a reasonable counterargument)

Joining The Conversation Paragraphs Objectives:

 Differentiate yourself from what THEY SAY and provide evidence (additional research, interviews, original comparison, personal experience, etc.)

  Add your own original ideas/insights into the conversation:

o  Synthesize the voices of at least 2 sources with your own (name them)—put your argument into the context of the larger conversation

Conclusion Paragraph Objectives:

 Strong restatement of thesis (use different words) & a summary of findings

 Assert the value of all of the work you’ve just done (So What?/Purpose)