Interview two individuals in the area of sport

Assignment Description

Interview requirements

Interview two individuals in the area of sport in which you are most interested (i.e. professional, college, recreational, etc.). The individuals do not have to be BC alumni, but they must be people with whom you don't already have a relationship. This means no current BC employees. Remember: This is a networking opportunity. Schedule a time to interview them either in person, on the phone or via Zoom. Students must get approval from the instructor for the interviewees. The following questions are required to ask in your interviews: Career information What is their current role and main responsibilities? What was their career path? Decision making What was the hardest decision they had to make in their job? Who were the important stakeholders? How did they approach the decision-making process (fact-finding, exploring alternative solutions)? What was the outcome of the decision and the feedback received (positive or negative)? If they had the chance to go back and do something differently, would they? Which ethical approach from Module 1 do you think they used when making an important decision? Ethics What are the biggest ethical challenges facing sport managers in their industry? How would they handle an ethical dilemma if they were faced with one? Feel free to add other questions about career path, advice getting into the field, etc. Before you meet with your interview subjects, it may be helpful to email me them the list of questions from Canvas and any other questions you plan on asking. This is a courtesy and will also give them time to think about the answers before you meet.