Convert Annotated bibliography into a dissertation Ch2. Literature Review

Assignment Directions:

Review Annotated bibliography (attached)

Convert Annotated bibliography into a dissertation Ch2. Literature Review.

Notice Introduction and Conclusion are written.

Use sources found in the annotated bibliography and to narrate literature review following these instructions:

Purpose of assignment: There is a four-fold purpose for a literature review (Chpt 2). To:

1. summarize what is known and not known about a given topic.

2. describe how one’s study is informed by this literature.

3. describe how one’s study arises out of this literature.

4. describe how your study fits into, fills a gap, and advances this literature: its niche in the literature.

B. Questions Addressed By - A sound literature review addresses the following questions:

1. What we know about the subject of one’s study?

2. What we don’t know about the subject of one’s study?

3. What are the defining ideas/concepts/questions of one’s study subject?

4. What we are sure about one’s study subject?

5. What we are sure/unsure about one’s study subject?

6. What are the gaps are in our knowledge of one’s study subject?

7. What causal links exists between one’s study subject and other variables?

8. Where further knowledge is needed about one’s study subject?

9. How does my study:

a. justified and arise from?... and

b. inform the gaps in this literature?

C. Approach, Structure, Organization and Length - Students should use the logic, structure, sequence, and results of the Annotated Bibliography as the foundation for this chapter. The difference between this chapter and the AB Exercise is that one must translate the annotations generated in the AB into a narrative format for chapter II.

Note, the narrative for each literature reviewed should not read in a choppy-, serial-like fashion, but in a flowing, easy to follow style.