Final Projects

Whenever we learn new things our brains makes connections to things we already know. You will create a visual map that shows how your brain connects the terms from a given unit. Your end results will be something like a web. Make your map look unique and artistic.


  1. Create a list of 20 things (people, places, ideas, inventions, etc) for the topic.
  2. On a large piece of paper create your mind map.
  3. Draw each bubble and word neatly. Use different colors throughout to show at least 6 of the 10 stages of genocide
  4. A min. of 13 photos interspersed through the information
  5. On the paper, write the title of the unit in a bubble in the middle of the page
  6. Draw another bubble with one of the words from your list of 20 connected to the first bubble anywhere in the page
  7. Draw another bubble with another word. (If they are related in some way).
  8. Continue adding bubbles and connections until all 20 words are in a bubble and connected to some other bubble
  9. Look over your map and add a second connection for each bubble. EACH BUBBLE MUST CONNECT TO ATLEAST 2 OTHER BUBBLES!