Report 2 Global Logistics and Supply Chains


Assessment Two - Coursework       Report

Submission deadline: Friday 10th  December 2021 @ 23:59

Coursework must be submitted by 23.59hrs on the submission date to the Turnitin

box on Moodle. Late submission will be subject to penalties. Coursework submitted after 23.59 hours on the deadline date and up to 5 days late will be capped at pass (P1) and any coursework submitted beyond this will be marked as a fail (F5).


        Write a  Report Critically Evaluating the Role and Application  of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems.

The Assignment                                                                                                                        

Individually  you will prepare a report which should include the following:

§    Evaluating appropriate supply chain performance measures/models.

§    A critical  argument  of relevant  supply  chain  models/concepts  from  multiple sources, (supported by references) have to underpin discussion.

§    A critical evaluation of the implementation challenges, including implications, issues, and weakness.

§    Examples to support points.

§    References in text and also end-list which should include mainly academic peer-reviewed journals!

§    Appendices

Word Limit:

2,000 words +/- 10%

Assignments submitted outside this range will be penalised

Success Factors:

There are five main criteria for success:

§    Introduction – setting the scene

§    Understanding - Your reports should demonstrate a  critical understanding  of relevant Supply Chain Management Performance issues. You can best demonstrate understanding by applying concepts from the course and a literature review.

§    Substantiation  - The reports should be underpinned  by  evaluating and  critiquing

relevant theory/models, and using citations to demonstrate understanding.  It is not a sales pitch!

§    Insight - Your work must demonstrate  critical evaluation and insight into the operation and relevant theory. This will come out across most sections.

§    Presentation - The reports should be well structured and clearly presented, supported by adherence to the report writing style (Napier House Style on Moodle).

Report Specifications                                                                                                             

Your report should be a maximum of 2,000 words excluding title page, executive summary, tables/figures, references and appendices. Sticking to a strict word limit is difficult and an important skill for you to acquire, so make sure that you write in a concise and focused manner. It should be typed font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing and presented in portrait format, not landscape.

You must use a formal report structure “Napier Report House Style” (See Moodle).

An essential feature of the reports is to illustrate how theoretical constructs or models can help to explain the actions of organisations in practice. You are therefore advised to read widely.  In fact, unless you have  read and referenced  at least 15 discrete references, it is unlikely  that  you have  done  sufficient reading.  Sources  from the internet must not be used. Apart from reputable and academic references that can be downloaded through the Internet, most Internet references are not considered reliable for an academic piece of work. Penalties  will be applied  for use of non-academic sources used to support SCM concepts (eg. Businessballs, MindTools, and anything ending  in pedia).  Using  lecture slides as referencing  is also forbidden.  Academic journals generally offer a better source than textbooks.


Books, Journals and Websites - See those already listed in the handbook and one Reading List as well as sources available through the university library as we have extensive journal access. Referencing style is APA 7th. See the referencing guidance on the GL&SCM Moodle page.

Academic Skills

Please see the following link for information on workshops etc.


Plagiarism is the publication of the ideas, or the expression of the ideas of another, as  one’s  own.  Some dictionaries  use the  term  stealing.  Plagiarism  is  not permitted in assessments at Edinburgh  Napier  University. Refer to  MyNapier for  further  detail.    Student  Disciplinary  Regulations  (SDR) 11.2  categorises plagiarism as Academic Misconduct. Some examples are:

Major examples of plagiarism include the following

                        copying from another student (Collusion)

          copying large sections, from an academic or other source (e.g. book, internet article) without acknowledging that source by referencing it

Minor examples of plagiarism include

                        Paraphrasing without acknowledgment

                        Using original reference obtained from the literature but not reading

“original” material

Quoting a relevant passage from a book, if the reference is given e.g. Drury C, (2004), Management and Cost Accounting, 6e, London, Thomson. The reference must be clearly linked to the body of your work by putting the Author’s name and date in brackets and the passage must be presented as a quotation.Copying from textbooks or articles and failing to acknowledge the source – even if the words/sentences are rearranged. Or acknowledging the source, but presenting the copy as your own words, rather than as a quotation.
Comparing different authors’ ideas, with acknowledgement of source, and making your own comments.Copying from other students – even if the words and/or sentences are rearranged.
Doing research with others in the library but writing your essay alone.Allowing another student to copy your work
When citing from the WWW give, in the end reference list, the author if possible, the entire URL and the date of access, not just the URL of the home page e.g. Study-Skills/Be-Wise-Dont-Plagiarise/Pages/Be-Wise- Dont-Plagiarise.aspxURL of home page alone and /or no date e.g.

Every time you submit any piece of work for assessment, you will be required to fill  in  a  declaration  form.  By  signing  this  form,  you  confirm  that  you  have understood plagiarism as it is defined by Edinburgh Napier University.  You are also confirming that you have not plagiarised.   Further detailed  information  is available at

SOE11147- Global Logistics & Supply Chains

Coursework Assessment


Presentation [10%]   Layout, presentation, and readability (structure, spelling, grammar).  
Understanding  & Substantiation [50%]   Reports should demonstrate understanding  and application of relevant Logistics and SCM principles/theories/concepts/models . Reports must be underpinned  by theory with clear referenced definitions to support your knowledge.  
Insight [20%]   Demonstrate  critical evaluation  and insight into the operation  and relevant theory/model.  
Referencing [10%]   A full list of external resources and in text citations must be used to underpin your discussion. The quality of these will also be considered. APA 7th must be applied in text and in the end-list.  
Conclusions  [10%]   Highlighting key issues, reaching logical conclusions supported by evidence from the literature & practice.  

Key to grades

General Comments

Marking scheme and general marking guidelines*

Overall GradeScale   GradeScale   (Points)General marking guidelines
DISTINCTIOND516    An exceptional assignment, which is sophisticated in its approach while being correct in every particular detail. Extremely high level of critical ability is demonstrated with original thought being evident.
 D112An excellent assignment which is well written and explained. It demonstrates a high level understanding of the   issues, using a high level of critical and analytical ability.
 P410A very good assignment with minimal errors. Demonstrates a Critical understanding of the key issues and is thorough   in its analysis of the issues and theoretical concepts. The student shows strong critical and analytical ability.
 P28A good assignment, with most of the key points correctly stated, the student demonstrates an ability to interpret at   least some of the issues and makes a strong attempt at explaining the theoretical concepts.
 P17A weak assignment, the student  shows  understanding  of the issues but possibly  combined  with errors and/or   insufficient or unclear explanation of the key points. Lacking strong critical discussion. There is limited interpretation of the issues in relation to the real world.
 F25    A poor assignment;  the student has not answered the assignment  properly.  There may be a number of errors including insufficient explanation of the theory, and a limited ability to interpret the ideas to practical situations.

*Note that in ALL cases it is expected that you will provide a List of References and critically evaluate the material used.