M97 – Negotiated Individual Study in Education

M97 – Negotiated Individual Study in Education

Assignment One – Developmental Review


This assignment is designed to help you focus your study as early as possible.  You will present an outline proposal for the study in which you will clearly identify the topic to  be  studied,  the  methodologies  you  propose  to  use  and  at  least  one  additional learning outcome that you hope to meet whist engaged in the study.

The proposal will also review your developmental process in terms of selecting your study  so,  for  example,  you  might  indicate  what  your  initial  idea  was,  how  you  went about  selecting  and  rejecting  ideas  and  how  you  decided  upon  the  final  idea.    You should refer to relevant literature in your work. 


· Demonstrate a critical understanding of the topic to be studied
· Demonstrate clear, critical and focused understanding of the additional learning that engaging in the study will help achieve


Access to children, teachers,  parents  or  any  school  personnel  normally  must  be approached through the head teacher.
If  students  want  to  carry  out  research  with  children  they  must  consult  the  head teacher  or  line  manager  as  to  whether  they  need  to  write  to  the  parents  for permission.  The school may prefer to do this rather than allow the student to do it.
Students must submit their research  proposal  to  their  tutor  prior  to  commencing  the research. This proposal must include reference to any ethical issues and how these will be dealt with, details of the data collection including interview questions, observation techniques, questionnaires, etc.
Students may want  to  use  video  and  photographs  to  carry  out  their  data  collection.
Whilst this can be a very productive source of data these two devices are beset with ethical problems.  They are also extremely  time  consuming  to  analyse.  Tutors must be involved  in  the  discussion  about  whether  or  not  to  allow  students  to  use  these means of data collection and all ethical issues must be thoroughly considered.
The tutor will indicate if the proposal is approved before the student can commence the work.  This approval will indicate ethical approval and the tutor’s responsibility for ethical standards being maintained.
The  BERA  Ethical  Guidelines  for  Educational  Research,  fourth  edition  (2018)  are available  to  download  in  the  module  space. Trainees are  required  to  read  these.  Submission  of  this  proposal  form  indicates  that  students  have  read  and  understood these guidelines.

1) Give  a  brief  description  of  the  area  on  which  you  are  to focus for the study.
Here you can articulate the overall area that will be the focus for this study. You may also  wish  to  briefly  outline  any  first  phases  you  are  going  to  conduct  or  have conducted already.

2)/ Give a brief account of how and why you have come to the conclusion that you should concentrate on this area of study.  How does this link with your own professional practice?  How will engaging in this study enhance your professional practice?
Here  you  can  engage  with  the  background  to  your  study  and  explain  the  reasoning behind  your  choice  of  topic  for  this  study.  You  should  also  consider  how  this  will improve your professional practice as a teacher.

3) What is your initial research idea, question or hypothesis?
Here you should articulate an initial question or hypothesis for your study.

4) What model(s) and methods do you propose to employ for 
this study and why?
Here you should engage with the methods that you propose to use to collect data on your study. You can also reiterate any structures or cycles that will take place in your research. Try to indicate at least your first intended cycle in this section.

5) In addition to the learning outcomes already stated for this 
module,  what  other  learning  outcomes  will  the  study  enable you  to  meet?  You  should  propose  at  least  one  additional learning outcome. This  is  a  learning  outcome  for  YOU,  not  for  your  pupils,  so you  may  consider  beginning  it  with  something  like:    “By  the end of this module I will have a critical understanding of.......”Additional learning outcome(s):

6) Additional information:

Here  you should  include  any  additional  information  of  which  you  feel  that  your  tutor should  be  aware. For example,  any  ethical  considerations  which  may  impinge  on your work or any particular constraints which may affect your study

7) References:
Here, you should include some indicative academic texts relating to the actual topic of  your  study  with  a  brief  annotation  showing  how  they  will  be  useful  for  your  work. Please remember that we are looking for “Academic texts/references”
Newspaper/magazine articles, whilst useful as a starting point, should not be used as a basis for academic discussion or evaluation

Proposal (1000 words)

Please see the assignment guidance under UNITS for further information as to what is required for this proposal.

For this assignment you will need to

LO1  -   Demonstrate a critical understanding of the topic to be studied

LO2 - Demonstrate clear, critical and focused understanding of the additional learning that engaging in the study will help achieve.

This will need to be written on the proposal proforma:

EPD M97 Developmental Review Proposal Proforma (1).doc  Download EPD M97 Developmental Review Proposal Proforma (1).doc  attached

A note on similarity scores

You should still make sure that you have not copied and pasted from any sources - you should always paraphrase unless you are referencing a direct quote. The University has clear referencing guidelines Links to an external site. - please make sure that you have followed them.


Programme leaders have four weeks from the submission date to assess this assignment. You will receive an automatic email when feedback and marks have been released.

Normally feedback will be given in two different forms: firstly there are likely to be some annotations within your proposal itself at the relevant places for the comments, and secondly there will be feedback against the following headings and which will be reflected in the actual mark awarded.

a) Suitability of topic/set learning outcomes:

b) Action research and data collection methods intended:

c) Indicative literature:

d) Overall comment:

e) Bullet points to consider:

f) Grade: