Film Analysis

Watch one these movie and write a 3-5 page film analysis

Psycho (1960) Director - Alfred Hitchcock, Writer - John Stefano, Director of Photography - John L. Russell, Editor - George Tomosini, Sound - Hilton Green & William Russell, et al.

Alien (1979) Director - Ridley Scott, Writer - Dan O'Bannon, Director of Photography - Derek Vanlint, Editors - David Crowther, et al., Sound - Jim Shields

Apocalypse Now (1979) Director - Francis Ford Coppola, Writer - John Milius & Francis Ford Coppola, Director of Photography - Vittorio Stararo, Editors - Lisa Fruchtman, Gerald B. Greeberg & Walter Murch, Sound - Walter Murch

The Matrix (1999) Directors & Writers - The Wachowski Brothers, Director of Photography - Bill Pope, Editor - Zac Staenberg, Sound - John T. Reitz, et al.

Gladiator (2000) Director - Ridley Scott, Writers - David Franzoni (story), John Logan & William Nicholson, Director of Photography - John Matheison, Editor - Pietro Scalia, Sound - Scott Millan, Bob Beemer & Ken Weston


How does the editing contribute to this film? Does this film mostly use continuity editing, discontinuity editing or a mixture of both? Is the editing mainly seamless and nearly unnoticeable, or does it call attention to itself? Why do you think the filmmakers made these choices? Give examples of specific editing techniques the filmmakers chose.

Select a pivotal scene and identify those moments when the sound creates emphasis by accentuating and strengthening the visual image. What are the specific sources of sound in that scene? What types of sounds that are used in the scene? Does this film use silence expressively?

In the film overall, how is music used? Is it used in a dominate way to manipulate the audience's emotions, or is it more subtle or non-existent? Does the use of music in this film seem appropriate to the story? Give a specific example of how music was used in the film.

Type Written, Double spaced, 12pt. Times new roman, 1” margin

Answer the following questions in the form of a 3-5 page essay. Give explanations with examples to help describe all details.

DO NOT PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF THE STORY; THE PROFESSOR HAS ALREADY SEEN THE FILM! DO NOT REVIEW THE FILM! Time spent summarizing the plot of the movie will not help your grade. Instead, please respond to ALL the following questions in the form of an essay. (A simple way to do this is to make each set of questions, below, its own paragraph. Please don't include the question numbers in your paper.)

Please take careful note that each film analysis is a college-level academic endeavor and, thus, requires a proper scholarly approach. The foundational academic resource for this course is, of course, the required textbook. 

For each of the five analyses, you should ONLY be referring to the course text, as well as any additional or supplementary readings/material provided by the professor. (See appropriate CANVAS unit/modules for details.) 

That is to say, websites in the same vein of, say, Wikipedia are not academically acceptable.