Digital Business for Finance & Accounting- 5DIBU005W.2


Assessment Title: Digital Business for Finance & Accounting


SECOND SEMESTER - 2021 / 2022



MODULE TITLE: Digital Business for Finance & Accounting

DATE AVAILABLE: 14th March 2022 (Week 8)                        

SUBMISSION DATE: 26th April 2022

SUBMISSION METHOD:   online via Blackboard no later than 1pm (UK time)

DATE AND FORM OF FEEDBACK:  15 working days after submission via Blackboard


ASSESSMENT FORMAT: Report (in MS Word Document or pdf format)





ASSESSMENT SUMMARY: COVID-19 took the world by complete surprise in 2020. This has affected heavily the manufacturing aviation industry. Focusing on AIRBUS, discuss and evaluate the effects of COVID19 on operations management, market needs and the digital strategy of the company. Also identify the need for a sustainability strategy to achieve a competitive advantage.



You are required to investigate the case and address the following issues

  • The operations management practices at AIRBUS and whether they were aligned with its strategic aims as per the Hayes and Wheelwright model
  • The way AIRBUS responds to the current digital transformation need in order to better understand consumer behaviour and meet market changes before and after COVID.
  • How LEAN and Total Quality Management can be applied in the manufacturing aviation industry to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage and be potentially linked to digital and corporate strategy for enhanced performance.

You need to demonstrate understanding of how organizations effectively manage
the range of operational functions supply chain in an evolving business 
context. Additionally, reflect on operations principles and make informed suggestions using theories and applied practices with the support of academic sources. 

The report should be logically structured, making use of headings/sub-headings and paragraphs. Remember to spell check, grammar check and proofread. 

This is an anonymous report, please do NOT use your ID or NAME.

The word limit is 2000 words (maximum) (excluding title page, Executive Summary, table of contents, diagrams, tables, figures, reference list and appendices)

Format: PDF or Word file, page numbers, 1.5 line spacing, normal margins, Arial/Times Roman 12 point font

Assessment title: Digital Business & Operations Management 

The report should have a suitable structure and may follow the recommended structure:

  • Title Page (state the title, and the word count)
  • Disability Statement (if applicable)
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Main Body
  • Conclusions/ Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendices (optional)

You are permitted to upload your work multiple time before the deadline; Please ensure that you upload the correct file when you upload your work, since this will be considered to be your submission.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Statements, assertions and ideas made in coursework should be supported by citing relevant sources. Sources cited in the text should be listed at the end of the assignment in a reference list. All referencing should be in Westminster Harvard format. Charts, tables, graphs and other graphical material may be included in the main text of the Portfolio or as appendices.


Submitting your coursework – checks 

Do not include your name or student ID as it is subject to anonymous marking. Do include the word count on the first page of your assignment.  

Coursework is submitted ONLY via Blackboard. On the Blackboard module page, under Assessment, click on the ‘Submit Coursework Folder’

At busy times the coursework submission process may run slowly. To ensure that your submission is not recorded as a late submission, avoid submitting very close to the deadline. 


Assessment General Threshold Criteria (level 5)

80-100 An outstanding piece of work: All assessment criteria have been met at an exceptionally high standard 

Shows independent reflective thought in relation to task.

Demonstrates exceptional critical analysis of theories, practices and frameworks.

Analyses concepts and principles that inform the work.

Analyses wider context and implications for practice/subject.

Synthesises research across a range of sources.

Demonstrates exemplary communication excellent presentation of format used.

70-79 An excellent piece of work: All assessment criteria have been met at a high standard. 

Demonstrates critical and reflective analysis of theories, practices and frameworks from the module.

Applies a range of competing concepts and principles.

Analyses wider context and implications for practice/subject.

Provides evidence of substantial research across a range of sources.

Communicates effectively with excellent presentation of format used.

60-69 A good piece of work: All assessment criteria have been met at a good standard. 

Analyses theories, practices and frameworks presented on the module.

Applies key concepts and principles reflectively.

Identifies important aspects of wider context and implications for practice/subject.

Undertakes own research and evaluation of sources to inform enquiry.

Communicates effectively using appropriate format and presentation.

50-59 A sound piece of work: All assessment criteria have clearly been met. 

Uses appropriately theories, practices and frameworks presented on the module.

Demonstrates clear understanding and reflection on key concepts and principles.

Demonstrates limited understanding of wider context and implications for practice/subject.

Undertakes own research to inform task/enquiry.

Communicates work using appropriate format with some weaknesses of presentation.

40-49 An adequate piece of work: All assessment criteria have just been met.

Describes accurately a range of theories, practices and frameworks presented on the module.

Demonstrates adequate understanding of key concepts and principles.

Undertakes additional research from sources provided within the module.

Communicates work using appropriate format with some weaknesses of presentation.

30-39 FAIL: An inadequate piece of work: One or more relevant assessment criteria are not met 

Describes theories, practices and frameworks presented on the module with some weaknesses/omissions.

Applies key concepts/principles with some weaknesses.

Uses a minimal amount of relevant information provided within the module.

Communicates using appropriate format with significant weaknesses in presentation.

0-29 FAIL: A poor piece of work: Most of the relevant assessment criteria area not been met. 


Describes theories, practices and frameworks presented on the module with significant inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings.


Demonstrates omissions and very limited understanding of key concepts and principles.


Uses insufficient/inadequate information sources.


Communicates ineffectually with a very poor standard of presentation




If you have a financial hold situation a hardcopy plus electronic version will be accepted via the WBS Registry Coursework Lobby before the deadline. Please contact the Marylebone Registry to clarify how you should submit assessment in this situation:


Please do not email your module leaders or your seminar leaders your coursework unless you have been asked to do so. The Registry does not accept such a submission in most cases.


If you are having technical difficulties on the date of submission, please email module leaders and ask for advice.


If you do not submit the coursework on time log a call via the IT Service Desk that can be found on this webpage:  


Please make sure that your message is very specific. The Service Desk will then email you confirmation that you will be able to use as supporting written evidence for your MC claim.




Any assessment submitted late online will be penalised unless you submit a claim for Mitigating Circumstances (MC) and the claim is accepted by the Registry. Check this page for more information:


If you do not submit an MC claim or if your MC claim is rejected then the penalty for assessments submitted individually online within the 24 hours late period is a reduction of 10% of the mark. Assessments submitted individually online more than 24 hours late will be given the mark 0%, unless the Mitigating Circumstances claim has been accepted officially by the Registry.




Your assignment must demonstrate your own work and ideas. You may use graphs and clipart as appropriate. All written work must be the work of the individual student. Similarities between the work of students will be reported as collusion.


Any quotations and references that you include in your assignment will be identified by the Plagiarism detection programme as being similar to other sources. Therefore it is vital that you reference correctly.


Please check information about Westminster Harvard Referencing style here:


Westminster Harvard Referencing Style booklet can be downloaded here:


Any evidence of plagiarism will be reported to the Academic Standards team. A similarity content of 0% will be investigated by the Academic Misconduct Panel as it is regarded as being an indicator of an attempt to circumvent the plagiarism software. Since your document should have several different references the plagiarism detection programme should identify them.


Please see more information about plagiarism here: