Role Play Scenario

You will write a script and record the script (video is optional but audio is required). Use WebEx to record the role play, so you can record this synchronously. Submit the link to the recording to the discussion forum for others to watch. WebEx recordings are stored in MyMedia and take a couple of days to show up in that folder after you create the meeting recording, so please plan.

The script should include the following verbiage:

1)Verbiage showing the leader on the team role-playing employing leadership and followership methods, concepts, and tools to motivate others toward accomplishing a health informatics vision. Be sure to develop a specific health informatics vision statement together.  (15 points)

2) Verbiage showing each member of the team demonstrating leadership behaviors aimed at achieving the specified health informatics vision. (10 points) 

3) Statements by the team leader showing that the team leader exhibits leadership characteristics (be specific about what those characteristics are) and leads the team (10 points)

4) Statements made by team members who evaluate the team leads ability to lead and leadership characteristics (10 points)

5) Each team member�s viewpoint about the following questions: Are mutual respect and shared values important for the team and unit (department/organization/ etc.)? (5 points) Why or why not? (5 points) How do you think team dynamics and applying principles of team science can contribute to meeting the specified health informatics vision? (5 points)

Assume that at least 2 professions are represented on your team. For example, you may have a CNIO (leader) and 2 Physician Assistants. Define and discuss the scope of practice and roles of the different health professionals on the team and include stakeholders, including patients.  (10 points) Elaborate on the relationship-building skills and interprofessional communication skills that you applied as you worked towards meeting the health informatics vision. (10 points)