Work Experience | 5N1356

Module:  Work Experience – 5N1356

Assessment Technique:  Assignment 1

Title: Work Experience Assignment

Marks:  30%


You are a Healthcare Assistant working in a residential nursing home.  In preparation for your progress work experience meeting with you supervisor you must complete the following activities

  1. Interest in the work (3 marks each)

  2. Awareness of health and safety practices and other legislative (3 marks each)

  3. Professional attitude including appropriate dress, punctuality, attendance (3 marks each)

  4. Ability and willingness to take instructions and direction (3 marks each)

  5. Ability and willingness to take advice regarding improvement to work (3 marks each)

  6. Quality of work including use of workplace equipment (3 marks each)

  7. Relationship building – customers/clients, supervisor, colleagues (3 marks each)

  8. Communicating with customers (3 marks each)

  9. Showing Initiative (3 marks each)

  10. Adding value to the workplace (3 marks each)

Issue Date:                                         Submission date:     

Learners Name:      

I confirm that this is my own original work

Signed:                                                                            Date:      

  1. Interest in the work   


Recognising & Responding to Elder Abuse in Residential Care Setting 1 

Please watch this video and answer the following questions.

Describe what evidence did you observe where staff did or did not demonstrate interest in the quality of safe care clients receive. (1 mark)

Why do you feel carers do not have positive interest in ensuring the client receives loving and safe care from the carer?

  What should you do if you witness staff not demonstrating in ensuring the client receives loving and safe care from a colleague or family (1 mark)

What is the benefit of good practice in INTEREST IN THE WORK to your work place (1 mark)

  1. Awareness of health and safety practices and other legislative considerations

Patient Non-Weight Bearing in Plaster Case Study 13

Explain what the carer did wrong in the 1st example when transferring the client from bed to chair

Explain what improvements were made in 2nd scenario provided. 

How will the 2nd scenario affect the client’s quality of care and the carers health and wellbeing? 

(1 mark)













Explain what the risk is to poor health and safety practices. 

Who will be affected and how bad could that injury be. (1 mark)












What is the benefit of good practice in AWARENESS OF HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES AND OTHER LEGISLATIVE CONSIDERATIONS to your workplace (1 mark)


  1. Professional attitude including appropriate dress, punctuality, attendance

HSE Shift Handover

Please watch this video and answer the following questions.

What observations did you make about the professional attitude of staff 

Discuss the observations you made regarding professional and unprofessional dress, appearance attitude and conduct including punctuality (1 mark)













Describe ISBAR method of reporting.  Explain the benefits of using the ISBAR reporting method (1 mark)

What is the benefit of good practice in PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE to your work place (1 mark)

  1. Ability and willingness to take instructions and direction 

During this Covid pandemic government guidelines were issued giving us compulsory instructions and directions on how we needed to adjust our behaviour to break the chain of covid infection in our community. 

  1. Provide a short reflection on your personal emotional reaction to these instructions and directions outlining if you had a positive or negative reaction emotionally to being given instructions and directions.  What ability did you demonstrate to comply fully with these instructions and directions? Explain how you demonstrated this. (1 mark)

  1. What have you learnt about your ability to take instructions and direction (1 mark)

What do you now feel is the benefit of good practice in ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS TO TAKE INSTRUCTIONS AND DIRECTION to your work place (1 mark)

  1. Ability and willingness to take advice regarding improvement to work  

How to communicate your assessment of an employee s poor performance?


Review this role play and give feedback. 

1.What is your opinion of the employees communication style.  Describe the employee’s ability and willingness to take advice regarding improvement to work (1 mark)










2.What advice would you give the employee as a friend to help her improve in her attitude, ability and willingness to take advice regarding improvement to work (1 mark)














3. What is the benefit of good practice showing positive Ability and willingness to take advice regarding improvement at your work place (1 mark)

  1. Quality of work including use of workplace equipment  

Man In Nursing Home Reacts To Hearing Music From His Era

Watch this video and answer the below questions

  1. List the equipment used to enhance the quality of care Henry receives.  How does the equipment listed promote the quality of life for Henry (1 mark)

  1. How does the correct use of listed equipment support the carers  in providing safe and holistic care for clients (1 mark)

What is the benefit of good practice in QUALITY OF WORK INCLUDING USE OF WORKPLACE EQUIPMENT to your work place (1 mark)

  1. Relationship building –clients, supervisor, colleagues 


Put in ear plugs and apply odd glasses and thick gloves.

Ask a family member to place a drink, yoghurt and spoon on the table. Take top off yoghurt. Taste yoghurt and state what flavour.  Read the expiry date of yoghurt. Take drink from glass

  1. Did you experience any difficulties?  Describe your feelings about this experience.  What changes did you observe? – About yourself? (1 mark)

  1. What one thing could a carer demonstrate to damage a relationship/break trust? (0.5 marks))

What one thing could a carer demonstrate to improve/maintain a relationship/build trust? (0.5 marks

What is the benefit of good practice in RELATIONSHIP BUILDING to your work place (1 mark)

  1. Communicating with Clients/Family/Customer 


Put in ear plugs and apply odd glasses and thick gloves. 

Using your computer/laptop/I pad/phone face time/Skype/ what’s app video call a friend/family member (you have informed of this activity)

Tell them you are lonely and listen to their response, take note of their response. 

Finish the call

1.Did you experience any difficulties? 2.Describe your feelings about this experience. 

 3.What changes did you observe? – (a) About yourself?  (b) – About other people responding to you? 

 (1 mark)

  1. Does the experience stimulate thoughts about the reactions and behaviours of older individuals who have some form of impairment? Describe your thoughts. Does the experience suggest changes in your feelings or behaviour towards aged individuals? (1 mark)

What is the benefit of good practice in COMMUNICATING WITH CLIENTS/FAMILY/CUSTOMER to your work place (1 mark)

  1. Showing Initiative 


Put a small handful of chickpeas into your shoes, and then walk VERY SLOWLY with a cane or stick (If cane or stick not available use furniture to support yourself) and sit at a table

What challenges did you experience?  How could you as a carer show initiative in caring for a client during this experience?  How would this caring initiative improve your clients care? (1 mark)


Does the experience stimulate thoughts about the reactions and behaviours of older individuals who have some form of impairment?  

Does the experience suggest changes in your feelings or behaviour towards aged individuals? Explain (1 mark)

What is the benefit of good practice in SHOWING INITIATIVE to your work place (1 mark)

  1. Adding value to the workplace 

Ask a family member while speaking through the straw your mouth is holding in place “What time is the election results programme on this evening?” (Don’t tell your family member your question )

How did you feel during this activity (A) and what symptoms did you start to experience? 

(0.5 mark)

How did you feel during this activity (B)? What did you family member report following activity (B) – what challenges did they experience (0.5 mark)

To add value to your work place how would you communicate with a client having breathing difficulties? (0.5 mark)

Give them time. Simple questions Yes/No questions. Reassure them Ensure they have received all their treatments and in correct position. Observe report and document

To add value to your work place how would you communicate with a client having speech difficulties? (0.5 mark)

Have patience. Take the time for them. Use picture aids. Write it down Ask them to repeat. Get to know how they speak and their nonverbal communication. Read their assessments including SALT

Does the experience suggest changes in your feelings or behaviour towards aged individuals? Explain (0.5 mark)

What is the benefit of good practice in ADDING VALUE to your work place (0.5 mark)