Communication Analysis: Twelve Angry Men

For your midterm, you will watch a movie on YouTube and submit answers to a set of questions about the communication and interactions in the movie.
Use the information from the articles and chapters you have read to answer the questions. There is a movie segment where the jury foreman uses the juror's number to take a vote. When answering questions, refer to Jury Foreman, Juror #2, Juror #3, etc. Do not describe an individual using physical characteristics, attitude, or behavior. I will have difficulty
determining which juror you refer to.

BUS 102 Oral Business Communications
December 18, 2019
The list below identifies ten areas that we have addressed in class this semester. Write your observations about the jurors for each area. Unless otherwise noted, you only need to write about one juror.

  1. Describe the communication styles of four of the Jurors.
  2. Points of view. What about a juror's background influenced his point of view? In what
  3. Logic. Which juror is the most logica() Describe; explain.
  4. Emotion. How do emotions affect the discussion? Describe.
  5. What cultural or social differences affected the interactions? How?
  6. Did you see any specific miscommunication? Describe.
  7. Describe an instance of body language that communicated a juror's thoughts.
  8. Did you notice a juror who had more communication discomfort than the others?


  1. Evaluate two jurors' listening skills.
  2. What motivated a specific juror to change his mind about the decision?