Poetry and Shakespeare

Questions to Focus Thinking

These are not questions that you have to provide answers to for handing in; however, reflecting on the questions and why they might even be asked will provide you with some significant insight.

  1. What was King Lear's motivation (reason) for dividing his kingdom?
  2. Lear hasn't considered the implications of his dividing the kingdom and assigning portions based on the level of love expressed by his daughters. Was this the action of a wise king?
  3. Goneril and Regan, the two eldest daughters, seize the opportunity presented to them while showing great disrespect to their father. How is their disrespect of age demonstrated in other ways?
  4. How do Goneril and Regan seek to manipulate King Lear?
  5. What role does the Fool character enact in the play?
  6. How has King Lear changed over the course of the play?
  7. What are some of the defining moments for the major characters?
  8. In what ways does weather play a symbolic role in its effect on the kingdom.

Extend Your Understanding

As you review these questions, you will be able to focus your thinking on what is happening in King Lear; there are additional intriguing questions that allow you to delve more deeply into specific situations and character's actions to clarify your thinking about the plot and meaning in King Lear. MS Word file or PDF file or Google Doc