Solved: Interview of Key Persons Assignment


  • You will submit five interviews of key persons within the students’ local community. Possibilities for key interviews include police/law enforcement, fire fighters, church leaders, civic group leaders, store owners/employees, home owners, apartment dwellers, bus drivers, restaurant workers, etc.
  • You must obtain interviews from different categories of community members (i.e., you cannot interview three shop keepers or three police officers)
  • The interviews should focus on community strengths, concerns, challenges, and weaknesses according to the person interviewed. Key persons must be interviewed in person
  • If you identify a key person who can be interviewed only by telephone, you must get permission from the instructor prior to conducting the interview. Furthermore, you will conduct only one telephone interview


  1. The interviews are not to exceed two pages for each person interviewed and should follow APA format in paragraph form. (Approximately 10 pages to include title page and body of five interviews.) All five interviews are to be contained within one submitted paper per student. Include the appropriate reference within the body of each interview that refers to personal communication. Use APA headings with the title on the title page and on the first page of the paper. Subheadings should be according to APA guidelines, 6th ed. There is no reference page.
  2. Begin the paper with an opening paragraph describing the local community. Include: state, county, city, and zip code, type of community (rural, urban), and population.
  3. Provide the five interviews by following the requirements below for the flow of the interviews.
  4. End the paper with a summary of the interviews and your impressions of the health of the community.
two men talking

Interview Requirements

The following is the expected flow for each person interviewed. At a minimum, each interview should have:

  1. A subheading
  2. The date, time, and location for the interview
  3. A paragraph providing the role of the person (and name if the person agrees)
    • It is acceptable to maintain personal name anonymity if the person requests. Clarify if the person actually lives in the designated community and state this in your paper (if you are interviewing someone working or shopping or dining)
  4. A paragraph or paragraphs answering the following questions:
    • What is healthy about living in this community?
    • What is not very healthy about living in this community?
    • What does this community need to be healthier?
    • If you could change anything in this community, what would you want to change?
  5. An overall summary of the conversation and key points addressing community strengths and challenges
  6. A description of what the person would like to see changed in their community and what resources that would take to accomplish
    • If the person you interviewed does not suggest resources, then you determine what would be required and state this in your paper