Employability Framework and Personal Skills

The Article by Adams identifies three key employment pillars. Adams questions the ability of an employee to work well with a team, make decisions and solve problems. These are the the most important skills for the employers when deciding which new college graduates to hire,” (Adams 2014, p.1). It is true that the contemporary employers are no longer seeking robot, who will be controlled to work (Schermerhorn 2008). They are looking for autonomous individuals who can work with less control, but with people (Cappelli 2008). I am among the few candidates endowed with the three employment pillars, which Adams enumerates.

I am a decision maker and an innovator. Adding simple puzzles to understand the entire problem is a core competence, but I do not stop there. It is my nature to go the extra mile. Solving problems cannot fulfill my demands, but more eager to change the status quo. I always want to generate new ideas, and model innovations, far much better than the existing. The strengths have been displayed on various platforms, such as during attachments, workshops, in school, and while undertaking part-time jobs.  As established by John Zenger and his group, I have put a lot of effort in sharpening my innovation and decision skills. According to the writers, “we recommend that developing leaders focus on a competency that matters to the organization and about which they feel some passion,” (Zenger, Joseph & Scott, 2011). As supported by the evidence, these attributes make me a viable candidate for many job offers.

I am a team builder and a role player. Irrespective of the group, personally, I have never had any form of conflict working with people. Working in a group is as a source of my motivation, in many cases. In many occasions, I play the leader role. The attributes were coined based on my adaptability to any situation, or group. Employees need people who can work with others in different situations (Gunn, Bell & Kafmann 2010).

Adams (2014) highlights among others communication, knowledge, and ability to soar in hard moments as contemporary employer demands when selecting candidates. I have a strong education background that is essential for most jobs. Among other knowledge that I wield is diverse writing. I am knowledgeable in Chinese, Korean and Arabic language. My personality is characterize by high intelligent power, as quoted by Tracy, “intelligence in this sense means the ability to plan, to organize, to set priorities, to solve problems, and to get the job done,” (Tracy 2012, p.1), I am a good planner and always find ways of wading through the complex organization task. The attribute is vital in almost every organization that demands employees who can effectively manage work pressure by prioritizing (Archer & Davison 2008: Shury, Winterbotham, Davies, & Oldfield 2010). My attributes and skill make me an ideal candidate for most organizations.


Adams, S 2014. The 10 Skills Employers Most Want In 2015 Graduates. [Online]. Available at             http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2014/11/12/the-10-skills-employers-most-want-  in-2015-graduates/. [5 December 2015].

Archer, W. & Davison J 2008. Graduate  employability: What do employers think and want? London, the Council for Industry and Higher  Education (CIHE).

Cappelli, P 2008. Talent management for the twenty-first century, Harvard Business Review-March, pp. 74-81. 

Gunn, V.,  Bell, S., & Kafmann, K 2010. Thinking  strategically about employability and graduate attributes: Universities and enhancing learning for beyond university.   Enhancement themes. QAA. Available at http://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/documents/G21C/Employability_230210.pdf

Schermerhorn, J 2008. Management, 9th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.

Shury,J, Winterbotham, M. Davies, B & Oldfield, K 2010. National Employer Skills Survey for   England 2009: Main report: Evidence Report 23. IFF Research and UK Commission for Employment and Skills.

Tracy, B 2012. Top 7 Qualities Employers are Looking for in Candidates. [Online]. Available at             http://theundercoverrecruiter.com/top-7-qualities-employers-are-looking-candidates/. [5 December 2015]

Zenger, H. Joseph, F. Scott, E 2011. Making Yourself Indispensable. [Online]. Available at https://hbr.org/2011/10/making-yourself-indispensable. [5 December 2015]