Fayetteville Youth Deviance Intervention

The current study adopt a personal observation and literature review to analyze the current at risk youth population, who are exposed to various social deviance owing to their environment. The study is aimed at developing a preventative approach to the increasing social deviance among the youth. Based on personal observation and supporting literature, the study seek to determine intervention strategies against the social problem.

Problem Background

This study is founded on a strong theoretical background. Fayetteville’s problem can be understood from Hans Eysenck‘s model. Hans Eysenck proposed a theory of criminal behavior that relied on personality. In his theory, criminal behavior is a result of interaction of several processes (Hayes, 2000). In the first place, he proposed that the difference in the personalities of individuals is dependent on two factors which are related to the inherent functioning of that person’s nervous system.

An individual’s degree of extraversion (E) and neuroticism (N) can be determined by use of easy questionnaires like the Eysenck personality disorder (EPD). Individuals with a high score of E are social, outgoing, and chatty and look for sensations. The degree of arousal in an individual’s central nervous system and autonomic nervous system determines the E score.         Persons who post a high E score are characterized by low levels of stimulation hence require more arousal from their surroundings. Having a high score of N give characteristic such as anxiety, depression and a powerful reaction to intrusive stimuli. N is caused by the general level of labiality in an individual’s central nervous system. Low score of N is characterized by a stable and inert nervous system, while a high score leads to instability.

Later on, Eysenck derived another aspect of personality called psychotism, (P). Individuals with a high score of this dimension are not sociable, aggressive, evasive and self-centered (Engler, 2008). However, He failed to illustrate the relationship between P and the working of the nervous system. Eysenck postulated that E, N and P result from the genetic makeup of a person (Hayes, 2000). In short, this theory shows that offenders generally, will exhibit a low degree of E (cortical stimulation), high level of N (autonomic stimulation) are more grounded in the psychotic perspective.

The traits theory is an exaggerated Eysenck theory. It postulates that criminal behaviors result from abnormal biological or psychological characteristics (Siegel, 2009). This theory has its foundations on the Italian criminologist by the name Cesare Lombroso. According to him, criminal are atavist. By the use of this term he meant that criminals are ancient beings resembling Neanderthal man, but are born into the current, world. To him, criminals belong to the past eras. According to this theory, there are distinguishable features that are related to the ancestors of man, these include: tiny heads, elongated ears, disarranged teeth, barrel thorax, and unbalanced arms.

Biocriminologists argue that criminality is genetically encoded. According to them, the normal functioning of the body including the brain requires a constant amount of nutrients and chemicals. Instability of these components results in psychological and learning problems which lead to anti-social traits (Siegel, 2009). Studies have associated low levels of glucose in the blood to violent traits and exaggerated levels of testosterone which leads to aggressive behaviors.


The youths around the globe are grappling with social challenges. The situation is worsened by the limited number of role models in the society. My community, Fayetteville, NC is not exempted from the problems and is in dire need of a drastic change.  Fayetteville is among many American communities suffering drug abuse, gang violence, and other crimes, both in public schools and within the communities. The youth should embrace Inner-city program as a rescue to the growing social challenges. Eysenck model is an important tool in rolling out the change plan.

Research Significance

If not addressed in advance Fayetteville will not only witnessed enhance cases of drug abuse, gang violence, and other crimes, but also high rates of morbidity and mortality emanating from these social problems. This study seek to unearth the major problems and advance a community intervention strategy.

Study Objective

The objective of this study is to analyze the social challenges facing Fayetteville youth and roll out a behavioral campaign under the Inner-city program.

Research Method

This research comes from my personal observation and experiences with the brother’s death as child refined by life’s mission of transforming lives. The study has also adopted literature review to back up my position. I grew up in a high crime area in Hartford Connecticut. I witnessed drive by shootings, drug users, and gang violence. Growing up in the volatile neighborhood, proved hard to all my age mates at the time. I escaped the influence by becoming part of an inner city program. The inner city program allowed me and others have unique perception of life. It allowed us not only to see the bad things in our neighborhood but also to appreciate the positive aspects of my neighborhood.

Study Findings

Ashley Strickland (2017) covered the story of a young lady, Brandy Vela, who took her in Texas due to being cyberbullied.  The author talks about the effects of bullying and how it leads to depression, anxiety, and drug and alcohol use, which can continue into adulthood and of course lead to death.  Strickland showed that experts have recognized that bullying important public health issue.

 The chart illustrate how almost one third of the child population is being affected by any sort of bullying, and it allows to see that cyberbullying is the one that represents near half of it, meaning that the same act of bullying can be viewed or shared on numerous occasions.

 Corporation for National & Community Services (2017) collect data on organizations that provide money and support to non-profit outreach programs for youth.  Organizations such as the All State Foundation, Hasbro Children’s Fund, Janus Foundation, Ralph and Eileen Swett Foundation among others, are willing to help the cause of saving youth and providing them with outlets to become successful.  There is an application process and steps you can take as an organization to obtain funding from these foundations. The information is crucial for the inner-city program, considering a lot of resources are needed during intervention.

The department of labor created JobCorp.  JobCorp is the largest education and job training program in the United States.  It is a free program and helps youth/adults from ages 16-24 to obtain a high school education and skilled job training.  The program is run by the Department of Labor. The site has tons of information for candidates and parents.  Its mission is to help at risk youth and provide them with opportunities to be successful in society.

This diagram shows the efficiency of Job Corps as to provide its members with a high percentage of permanent solid work offers within their structure of 125 centers in a span of a single year. This means that their administration allows for a large amount of population to receive an education and to land a secure job.

National Human Trafficking Hotline (2017) is a site full of information pertaining to human trafficking in the state of North Carolina.  The organization has partnered with law enforcement and health care professionals, to help victims and survivors of this modern-day type of slavery.  It provides statistical information and a hotline number to report any human trafficking activity.  The organization wants to keep citizens informed and aware that this is happening in our state.  It is very important to inform our youth of this danger.

The purpose of the previous graphic is to summarize the data from this year’s cases reported as well as how many related calls have been received. It also classifies those as high or moderate indicators depending on evidence level provided. This information is useful to inform and to educate people of this problem.

In her article, “Psychology Today” (2017), Raychelle Cassada Lohmann documents the rising epidemic of gangs in America.  The author provides a detailed information on why teens join gangs and the activities that gangs are involved in. She supports her arguments with statistical information. It also provides parents with warning signs to look for if they suspect their children are involved in gang activity. Her article also provides other websites with information on gangs, and how to get help for their child. 

Figure: Teen Gang Involvement Chart

 Teen gang involvement (Lohmann, 2017)

 The percentage illustrate the high teenagers percentage involved in illicit activities as part of a gang. The teen account for about 7% of the total teen population in the US. It is of great importance to note that most of them are aged between 17 and 18, being easier to be lured and exposed to a dangerous way of living.

The Jason Foundation, a not for profit clinical organization founded in 1997 has brought about many positive changes to the American community. The foundation was started when the son of the company’s president committed suicide.  From this tragic occurrence the foundation has dedicated itself to inform parents on depression and suicide.  It provides awareness and tools to help parents recognize the signs of depression and suicide.  Suicide is a topic that is going to be addressed in my outreach project.  It is a serious epidemic that is killing our youth at an alarming rate. Based on its intervention, the foundation has save many lives.

The last chart displays the leading causes for teenagers’ death in a way that allows to notice that suicide is not only the second foremost cause, but it also accounts for more deaths than many other causes altogether. It is also shown that 4 out of 5 kids gave clear warning signs before the attempt, meaning there is a huge problem either in diagnosing or treating its cause.

The youth in Fayetteville suffers depression, drug abuse, gang influence, and various other criminal activities. Often, depression harms and can lead to undesirable outcomes such as suicide. Research data illustrates that suicide is the second leading cause of mortality among age groups 10-24. The epidemic robes the society innocent lives at a fast rate. 

Rough neighborhood exposes the youth to undesirable experiences such as bullying, lack of acceptance, and other family problems. Care practitioners advise parents, teachers, and guardians to monitor psychological changes among the youth. This is in line with the research determination that 4 out of 5 youth who attempt to commit suicide give warning before they commit. Being able to recognize the signs are important and can save a life. As educators we promote awareness among parents and guardians.

Gangs are prevalent in Fayetteville lives.  Gangs are in almost every school across the United States. The social deviance is on the rise, spurred by economic and social challenges.  There are about 24,500 gangs in the United States alone. Gang organizations are characterized by violence and drugs. In many occasions, youth gravitates toward gangs due to low self-esteem, peer pressure, or volatile home situations. Sometimes, gangs provide solace to troubled youth. They feel like the gang accepts and welcomes them. Gangs house them and provides them with a sense of belonging.  Once inside, the youth will do whatever it takes to remain in the gang even if it means to break laws: harming, stealing, or engaging in other forms of distraction. 

Crime incidences in Fayetteville is high and takes various forms. Human trafficking is a huge issue in Fayetteville, NC, and the victims are mostly the young teens. Recent crime-reports identify human trafficking in Fayetteville as a challenge in Fayetteville.  This year alone, North Carolina recorded 473 calls and 118 cases.  Many teens are being sold to the sex trafficking.  Some are sold to other states or countries.  Awareness need to be created in the community about the challenge and parents educated on preventative measures.


Parenting classes are crucial for parents. They need to understand and identify the environment and changes happening to their teens.  Parents need to learn how to speak to their teens so that they are able to reach them in time and prevent them from going astray and destroying their lives.  Additionally, the guardians need help in learning new ways and strategies to relate to their children, especially in volatile environments such as those of Fayetteville.


My personal experiences and the literature review have made me learn that youths are fragile in a hostile neighborhood. They are not only susceptible to joining gangs and human trafficking, but also cause harm to themselves with such decisions as committing suicide. Awareness programs should be run in the communities to help parent fast identify behavioral changes among the youth and also advise them on house to tackle the challenges.


Corporation for National & Community Services. (2017). Retrieved from https://www.nationalservice.gov/resources/grants-opportunities-tagged-risk-youth.

Engler, B. (2008). Personality Theories: An Introduction. New York: Cengage Learning

Hayes, N. (2000). Foundations of Psychology. New York: Cengage Learning EMEA

Lohmann, R. Teen Gangstas How can you protect your teen from gangs? Psychology Today. Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/teen-angst/201010/teen-gangstas.

JobCorp. Career begins here. Retrieved from: www.jobcorps.gov.

National Human Trafficking Hotline. Retrieved from: www.humantraffickinghotline.org.

The Parents. (2017). Youth Suicide Statistics. Retrieved from: http://prp.jasonfoundation.com/facts/youth-suicide-statistics/

Siegel, L (2009). Introduction to Criminal Justice. New York: Cengage Learning

Strickland, A. (2017, June 21). Bullying is a ‘serious public health problem,’ experts say. CNN. Pp1.