Moving Beyond the Pain

It can be deduced that the idea of the Lemonade, which was the primary perspective covered by “Moving Beyond the Pain”, was entirely racial although Beyonce was trying to make use of this ideology to communicate how women are degraded in the society. From my point of view, despite the article adopting a feminist perspective to elaborate on the Lemonade, it only does so with the idea of elaborating the magnitude of injustice being meted against women (Hooks, 2016). Notwithstanding all the progress that the world has made today towards understanding the human rights, it is shameful to imagine the majority of women are still having to endure the pain of such sorts.

Shame affects people negatively in that it creates divides that are encouraged by the environment within which an individual is operating. These divides further create rifts that offer the environment for the bourgeoisie to victimize the minorities. In essence, shame has been precursor in championing against the rights of the vulnerable groups such as women and society by itself has encouraged productivity leading to more people discovering who they are and to understand in depth some of the struggles they are witnessing (Cyrus, 2017; Welch, 2018).

The idea of the Lemonade for instance has been championing for women to make progress by being economically empowered to thrive in this tough world (Hooks, 2016). In essence, such proactivity would mean that women have found an area which they can rival. However even then these women have to face the struggles head on and accept that despite the world being a patriarchal society, self-love would empower women to surpass these societal challenges. The idea being to find strength despite all the ups and downs that an individual is facing.


Hooks, B. (2016). Moving beyond pain. The bell hooks institute9.

Cyrus, K. (2017). Multiple minorities as multiply marginalized: Applying the minority stress theory to LGBTQ people of color. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health21(3), 194-202.

Welch, K. (2018). The effect of minority threat on risk management and the “new disciplinology” in schools. Journal of Criminal Justice59, 12-17.