Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Beyond a reasonable doubt movie is a 2009 remake of the 1956 crime thriller film 'the same' by Fritx Lang. Below are various legal terms used in the movie:

 A Reasonable Doubt; Is the amount of evidence required to provide a verdict in a case (Lee, 2015). Crystal was able to prove that, to support a conviction. Hunter would obtain suspects’ DNA while in custody and plant it.

Burden of Proof; is the legal standard that demands the parties involved to provide evidence to validate or invalidate a claim (KAPLOW, 2012). Crystal with the discloses that Hunter was corrupt.

Prosecution; is the process of conducting a trial against a person accused of committing a crime (Wilson, 2011). Hunter led the prosecution.

Plaintiff; A person or a group who seek legal action (Morley, 2016). Nicholas seeks legal action against the Hunter whom he is convinced that he is corrupt.

Jury; Is a sworn body of people chosen from the public to offer a verdict after listening to a case (Ferguson, 2013). In the movie the Merchants lead the jury in prosecuting Nicholas.

Verdict; The decision given by the jury in court on a legal case submitted to them (Sroufe & Siegel, 2014). The jury sentenced Nicholas to death after he failed to prove that Hunter planted the fake blood found at his place.

Evidence; Is the facts that validate a belief or a proposition (Beccaria, 2016). Hunter was arrested after disclosure that the DNA of the suspect were added to the photo digitally.

Acquit; To set free from an accusation of committing a crime (Doménech & Puchades, 2015). Nicholas is set free and his conviction declared a mistrial.

Malfeasance; Committing an illegal or morally wrong action (Chang et al., 2010). Hunter would obtain suspects’ DNA while in custody and plant it.

Action; Legal proceeding where one party sues the other for wrong doing (Van den Bergh, 2013). Nicholas sues Hunter for corruption.


Beccaria, C. (2016). On Crimes and Punishments - Cesare Beccaria - Google Books.

Chang, E. C. C., Golden, M. A., & Hill, S. J. (2010). Legislative malfeasance and political accountability. World Politics, 62(2), 177–220.

Doménech, G., & Puchades, M. (2015). Compensating acquitted pre-trial detainees. International Review of Law and Economics, 43, 167–177.

Ferguson, A. G. (2013). The Jury as Constitutional Identity. U.C. Davis Law Review, 47.

KAPLOW, L. (2012). Burden of Proof on JSTOR.

Lee, Y. (2015). Reasonable Doubt and Moral Elements. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 105.

Morley, M. T. (2016). De Facto Class Actions: Plaintiff-and Defendant-Oriented Injunctions in Voting Rights, Election Law, and Other Constitutional Cases. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 39.

Sroufe, A., & Siegel, D. (2014). The Verdict Is In The case for attachment theory.

Van den Bergh, R. (2013). Private Enforcement of European Competition Law and the Persisting Collective Action Problem. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 20(1), 12–34.

Wilson, R. A. (2011). Writing History in International Criminal Trials - Google Books.