Assignment- Informative Preparation - Oral Communications/Research/P_407A_FA21_WE

Part 1 Audience Adaptation

Informative Speech Topic; Cambodia

Following the example in Chapter 5, create an Audience Adaptation Plan for your Informative

Speech topic.

The Audience Adaptation plan asks 6 questions. Respond to these questions here.

1. What is my audience's initial disposition toward my topic? The audience may be dismally informed about Cambodia. It can be expected that this speech will be largely informative with persuasive arguments.

What can I do to enhance audience interest? The speech will employ interesting factual data, statistics, and comparisons to capture the audience's interest.

2. What common ground do audience members share? Impact of lack/insufficiency of resources among populations.

How and Where can I use personal pronouns, rhetorical questions, and common experiences to enhance the perception of common ground? The impact of economic vulnerability, financial resources, and human assets.

3. How relevant will the audience find this material? The material will be very relevant given that similar norms apply in different societies including the audience’s.

How can I demonstrate that the material is timely, proximate, and has a personal impact for the audience? Only current (within the last 10 years) and valid (reputable and legitimate) resources and references used will be used.

4. What can I do to enhance my credibility? Conduct in-depth research into the topic to unveil impactful information.
How did I develop expertise on this topic, and how can I share that with the audience? Becoming the most informed person in the room with regard to the topic. This will be achieved through thorough research and appropriate analysis of the material.

How can I demonstrate my trustworthiness as I speak? Speaking with confidence (honed through practicing proper presentation skills) and presenting current, valid, and impactful information.

What will I do to help the audience perceive me as personable? Be confident, clear, and audible; speak about my sources, dress appropriately; smiling; and maintaining eye contact. 

5. What can I do to make it easier for audience members to comprehend and remember the information? Draw connections/relationships, interact with the audience, create a sequence.

What types of materials can I use to appeal to different learning style preferences? Images, videos, numbers, calculations, story-telling.

What key terms will I need to define? Human assets and economic vulnerability.

What new concepts might I develop with vivid language and examples/ What new ideas might I want to compare to ones the audience is already familiar with? The economy of Cambodia relative to the US’ economy.

6. What language or cultural differences will my audience have and how will I address them. If I am speaking a second language, how will I increase the likelihood that the audience will understand me? Asset value system; different societies approach different human and non-human assets differently.

What cultural differences do I need to be sensitive to, and what culturally appropriate material might I search for and use? Religion; different people ascribe to different religions. One must appreciate each religion without criticism. 


Part 2 Oral Citations or Oral Footnotes are used in speeches for two reasons.

A. After listening to the speech, do the following.

1. Count the number of oral citations used. 9 oral citations

2. Write down 3 examples of the oral citations.

  • Author Mohammed Herrera writes that many scientists believe that the warming is a result of climate change.
  • Author Melissa Gaskell writes that the first mass coral bleaching was recorded in 1979, only 41 years ago.
  • The website coral reef watch documented a global coral bleaching between 2014

and 2017 that encompassed more reef systems than scientists had ever seen before.

3. How are the speech notes used? To provide factual data and support presenter comments.

4. List at least one place in the speech where the speaker did not give a source when it was needed. the increased frequency of bleaching events

5. What is the one source she used that I have said not to use? Citing an article on a website without citing the actual article

B. My Turn.

MLA Citations

Hill, Hal, and Jayant Menon. "Reducing vulnerability in transition economies: crises and adjustment in Cambodia." ASEAN Economic Bulletin (2011): 134-159.

Jacobson, C. (2020). Community climate resilience in Cambodia. Environmental Research, 186 (2020), 109512.

6. After you put them here in the proper format, show here how you would orally cite them in your speech.

Oral Speech Citations

1. In their analysis in 2011, Hill and Menon unveiled that Cambodia had a narrow economic base, insufficient economic policy levers, and a fragile financial system.

2. Jacobson’s research in 2020 showed that investing in human assets like education and psychological well-being is as important as tending to societal development issues.