[Solved] Experience Design and Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events

The Chester Zoo, UK

1.    Introduction

This is an individual portfolio of the Chester Zoo tourist destination site located in the United Kingdom. I visited the Chester Zoo in December 2021 and appreciated the striking and wide-ranging experience offered by this UK’s top tourist destination site. In the present portfolio, I will give a fundamental analysis of the experience design and management of the Chester Zoo using the four realms of experience, namely aesthetic, educational, entertainment, and escapist, as illustrated by Pine and Gilmore (1998).

The Chester Zoo is located in Cheshire, England and has been operational since 1931, when Mottershead George first opened it. The zoo is famous for its diverse animal species and zoological gardens. Specifically, it is home to more than 128 acres of zoological gardens and over 20,000 animal species to explore, making it among the largest zoos in the UK. For instance, in 2019 alone, the zoo received approximately more than 2 million visitors, making it one of England’s most visited zoos (The Animal Facts, 2022). In this portfolio, I will give a detailed critical analysis of the striking and wide-ranging experience offered by the Chester Zoo with respect to the tourism industry. 

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