Project Proposal Document

Student Names of Students Participating:

Reason for doing project alone: I chose to complete this project alone because the information gathered may not always meet a deadline set by members. It will be easier for me to set my own deadline and work as the information is provided to me. This would make it less complicated as to not strain any other group members with asking them to put in the much needed time if information presented after a deadline.

Please complete all sections of this proposal document and submit it to your Professor in Microsoft Word format. Please ensure that you have read all module content carefully before submitting the proposal. The proposal must be approved BEFORE you begin the project.

Please provide a full list of references at the end of the proposal using the American Psychological Association (APA) conventions

Proposed Project Title
How Accounting Information Systems Impact Blanco Chemicals Day to Day Operations  
Blanco Chemicals was chosen because I have been an employee for over three years and am familiar with the day to day operations, accounting and security practices.  Blanco Chemicals is a suitable company to research given its vast manufacturing process and inventory.  Due to the unique nature of the business there are many business processes when it comes down to purchasing inventory, storing raw materials, the production of finished goods, the sales and the finances and accounts. The Different AIS used will provide the needed information required from this paper.  
Identify and Explain Blanco Chemicals Manufacturing Software
Identify and Explain The Business Processes of Blanco Chemicals;   
               -Purchasing Raw Materials Process                  -Storing Raw Materials Process                  -Purchasing Goods for Resale Process                  -Inventory Process                  -Production Process                  -Sale/Distribution Process
Identify and Explain The Accounting Controls Blanco Chemicals Use;                 -Preventative Controls                 -Compensating Controls                 -Detective Controls  
Review of Literature  
The final paper will discuss the use of Accounting Information Systems and how it adds value to Blanco Chemicals Ltd and its day to day operations, accounting, and security protocols. This paper will also discuss the advantages of including Accounting Information Systems this specific type of organization. I will be comparing how the business was ran previously without certain AIS protocols versus how AIS has effected it now. The Manufacturing software used for Blanco Chemicals will be fully explained showing how it effects the inventory and accounting aspect.    In addition each business process will be clearly outlined and explained. The business processes will show difference between the suggested processes and how each process is unique to Blanco Chemicals because of the difference in the type of business. I have read two articles thus far that shows the impact of AIS in the manufacturing industry.  
The basis of this research paper will mainly be through in participant observation studies and by interview. The primary data collection will be collected by myself. I am involved with the day to day operations of this establishment and have been given access to collect all and any data needed. This method will be my main source of methodology.

 In addition, Blanco outsources some of data protection services. Therefore, my interviewee will be the technician assigned to our company Mr. Christopher Johnson and or the any qualified induvial from his place of business. They would provide expert information regarding to our preventative, compensating and detective controls.