Final Exam HIS.4250: Topics in Colonialism

Due Date, 11:59pm Friday April 16, 2021

** Please carefully read ALL exam instructions below before you begin. This is an open-book exam. Be sure to correctly cite all sources used in your answer – see more details below.

In an essay of ten (10) full pages, drawing on global examples from throughout our course materials to illustrate and support your argument.

Question: “Explain the processes of Colonialism from its roots, construction, and implementation to its deconstruction, possible re-construction (or reinvention) or continuation, and subsequent colonial legacies and effects as experienced by peoples of the world today.”

Your essay should concentrate on explaining the processes of colonialism through the experiences of the people – both colonizer and colonized – to provide an overview of the topics from a global perspective.

HINT:  Your answer should include discussions of topics such as (but not limited to) Imperialism, empire, and colonization; decolonization and settler-colonialism; post- colonialism, neocolonialism and colonial legacies.

In your essay, you will be expected to include at least ten carefully chosen and cited examples from our course to clearly demonstrate, illustrate, and support your answer explaining the processes of Colonialism as discussed during the term… but there are rules for this!

RULES:  To illustrate and support their answer, students MUST draw on and explain a minimum of six (6) examples from the material covered in the second half of our course – that is evidence from Modules 6 to 9 (Settler Colonialism, Economies, and the Labour-Force: Conceptual Phases of Historiographic Evolution; Indigenous Education in a Global Context #1 & #2; Race, Multiculturalism, and the World We Live In, 1948- Present)

To illustrate and support their answer, students MUST draw on and explain a minimum of four (4) examples from the material covered in the first half of our course – evidence from Chapters in the book Empires and Colonies in the Modern World: A Global Perspective.

These are the minimum required sources – use as many more as you think necessary

Your essay must be ten (10) full pages, double-spaced (average/approx. 300 typed words per page) using a standard 12-point font of your choice. Your essays may be typed or handwritten.

Please note: If handwritten, you should write single-spaced and complete ten (10) pages – the average for handwritten, single-spaced is approx. 300 words per page – thus, this is about the equivalent of ten (10) double-spaced pages when typed in Word as directed above.

Citations MUST be provided for all sources used in your essay answer. These may be in any academic style you prefer (APA, MLA, or Chicago). If using Chicago, please use end-notes, not footnotes, to maintain page-count as required.

Any titles, sub-titles, footnotes, end-notes, white-space, or excessive quotations will not count toward your page/word count. Excessive quotations should be especially avoided. Quotations should be kept to 8-10 words maximum and used sparingly, if at all. It is your words and ideas I wish to read, supported by information in the assigned texts. I do not want to read copy of extensive passages from the assigned material in your essay – examples taken from the text should be explained in your own words and cited correctly in the style chosen.

FINALLY: Above all, please remember that it is YOUR ideas I want to read in your exam essay.

Explain to me WHAT you have understood about the topics we have read and discussed. HOW you have understood them and SUPPORT your explanations with examples for our textbooks and articles – DON’T let the examples speak for themselves, explain them and WHY they demonstrate your interpretations.

When you are done:

1.   Make sure your name is on the top of each page.

2.   Pages should be numbered in the top right.

3.   Submit your exam essay answer to me by email at with “Exam HIS.4250 and your name” in the subject of the email. For example: HIS.4250, John Smith.

If you have handwritten your essay, you may either email me or text me photographs of your exam essay (text number: 204-750-1551)

4.   I will respond within 24 hrs to confirm I have received your exam answer – if you do not hear from me within this time, please email me