Managerial and Decision Economics M20440 – Coursework Assignment 1

Managerial and Decision Economics M20440 – Coursework Assignment 1

Spring 2022

Learning outcomes

This coursework assignment addresses the following learning outcomes:

ï‚·    Show  understanding  of issues  relating  to corporate social  responsibility  and how it might influence decision making within organisations;

ï‚·    Review academic literature relating to managerial and  decision economics in order to make  policy recommendations.

Coursework assignment and submission details

This assignment is weighted 20% towards the unit assessment

By  Friday 22nd  April 2022,  23:55, in no more  than  700 words, submit a response to the following topic. You MUST answer BOTH parts.

a)  By focusing on a prominent firm (this can  be Tesco, Lego, IKEA etc..)  critically analyse the engagement of the firm in corporate social responsibility. Use news articles, reports, or firms’ own business records to get this information (Don’t forget to give credit to your source!).

Relate the CSR activities of that firm to at least one of the CSR theories that we discussed in the lecture and explain how firm’s CSR activities are in line with that theory.

[Use approx. 500 words for this part. This part counts towards 75% of this assessment’s mark]

b)  Briefly but precisely explain what is a “king maker” within the context  of Hotelling’s Location Model. Hint: Think of Hotelling’s application in political science. [Use approx. 200 words for this part. This part counts towards 25% of this assessment’s mark]

IMPORTANT: There is a submission box for this assignment on Moodle and it is YOUR RESPONBILITY to submit the CORRECT assignment into the CORRECT submission box. If you submit a wrong assignment (e.g.,  you accidently submit an essay that was meant for another module) or into a  wrong  submission box  there  is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can be done  to correct  this once  the submission deadline has passed!!

Essays should be submitted electronically to the Dropbox facility on Moodle (which can be found under  the ‘Coursework’ section) as an MS Word document (.doc/.docx). File names should include your student number, such as UP123456.docx.

Formatting: Use Arial size 12 font with 1.5 line spacing, include only page numbers in the footer and your student number in the header. Your name should NOT appear in your submission. Essays should be referenced according to the APA 7th  edition.  The word count  is a maximum of 700 words (excluding the  reference list and tables). Work that exceeds 700 words will not  be read  beyond the stated word count.

Late  Submission of Assignment

Assignments   submitted   after   the   published   submission   date    without   a   valid Extenuating Circumstances Form (ECF), but within ten working days of that date, will be  marked. The  mark  awarded will  be  limited to  the  unit pass mark  (40%  unless otherwise  specified  in the  unit  handbook). Assignments  submitted more  than  ten working days after the  published submission date  will not be  marked, and  a mark  of zero will be recorded on the student's record. It will be recorded as a non-submission. Students are  strongly advised  to keep  a copy  of their  work. Corruption  of computer disks is not an adequate excuse for late hand  in, as work should be adequately backed up.

Marking criteria and Feedback

To satisfy the above learning objectives, your assignment submission will be  graded against the following criteria: (see the next page for more details on grade criteria)

ï‚·         Analysis of theory – Choice and discussion of relevant theory/ theories.

ï‚·    Application of theory – Appraise the actions taken  by management in the firms and evaluate the applicability of relevant theory to the firm in question.

ï‚·    Communication   –  Essays  will  be   assessed  on  the   quality   of  language, structure, presentation of diagram(s), construction of well-reasoned arguments.

ï‚·    Academic  scholarship  – Quality  of chosen sources and  use of citations  and references. Originality of the essay.

Marks and feedback will be available on or before 23 May 2022.  Marks will be posted on  the  Student Portal, and  your  marked coursework and  tutor’s feedback  will  be available on Moodle once  it has been marked and processed.

Referencing requirements

Please include a Reference List of all items cited in your work and  follow this with a Bibliography to show your wider background reading. All sources should be acknowledged  and  appropriately cited  within  your  work,  following  the  University's approved  referencing  conventions  [APA  7th  ed.].  Students  who  fail  to  include  a reference list will be  penalised. If  any  student has a  query  about  any  of the  above matters and wishes to obtain clarification or further information please contact the unit co-ordinator or your personal tutor. Referencing is required to give intellectual credit to your source, help your reader recover your source easily and  to avoid being accused of plagiarism.

For further guidance see:

Grade Criteria

A  first class  answer (70%+)  is  one   that  demonstrates  evidence  of  in-depth  study, including the consultation and  effective use of a range of quality references relating to the question under scrutiny.  The answer should demonstrate knowledge of the area (contained in the  question) and  key  debates of relevance, which are  compared and  contrasted. It should go beyond descriptive content and be analytical in its approach; first class answers will provide a successful critique. Evidence of clear understanding, evaluation and interpretation is necessary to achieve this grade and  this is often demonstrated through original contribution. The  answer will be  clearly focused upon  the  question and  will also include relevant diagrams that  will be  labelled and  used to explain the  key points in the argument. A first class answer will be well written, clearly referenced and will cite evidence in support of the arguments.

An upper second class grade (60–69%) should demonstrate many  – but not all – of the features listed above for a first class answer. Crucially, it should show evidence of reading, understanding and  interpretation and  must go  beyond descriptive content. The  answer must address the question and  will include appropriate diagrams. Once  again the answer must be  well written  and  referenced. The  extent  to which  the  student has analysed  and interpreted relevant material will be  the  boundary between this grade and  a  first class answer and the balance of description to analysis is the difference between a 2:1 and 2:2.

A lower second  class  answer  (50–59%) will  show understanding  of the  topic  under scrutiny and  some broadly based reading. The  answer will be  weighted more  towards description than  analysis and  the  answer might not  go beyond the  material delivered in lectures. Factual information will be correct  and  properly utilised but might not have  been shaped to address the question. The  answer will usually be  clearly written but the  use of vocabulary and  the  grammatical structure will not  reach the  standard of a  first class or upper  second class answer. Diagrams will be more basic or not clearly explained or applied to the question.

A third class  answer  (40–49%) is  often  very  ‘common-sense’  in  its  approach and  is lacking in analytical content. Use of sources is quite basic and all relevant literature has not been covered. Awareness of debates/ disputes outside this common-sense answer is poor. There   is,  however,  evidence  of  some  understanding  of  the   topic,  but  this  may   be accompanied by some factual or analytical misunderstandings. There might be some errors in the grammar or punctuation whilst diagrams will either be lacking or will not have  been used fully to explain the key concepts.

A fail  (under 40%)  is usually an  answer that  has either not  addressed the  topic under scrutiny sufficiently or  has misunderstood what  was required from the  question. Little evidence of reading, poor  understanding of key concepts and  even  mainstream debates. An answer that  fails will often be  poorly written and  the  poor  communication skills will impede the understanding of the content. Diagrams will either be lacking or will be wrongly used.