MOD003486 | Managing Human Resources


• This assignment must be completed individually.

• You must use the Harvard referencing system.

• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).

• Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.

• Write your student ID number at the top of every page.

• Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.

• You must number all pages.


• In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline - will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.

• Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.

• Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the Director of Studies Team. Please contact 2 A request must normally be received and agreed by the Director of Studies Team in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.64-6.73:

• Exceptional Circumstances: The deadline for submission of exceptional circumstances in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies Team - See rules 6.112 – 6.141:


A multinational company has hired you as an HR Consultant to write a report of 3,000 words on its global recruitment and selection process to identify weaknesses in the system and propose improvements. As part of your report, you are required to answer the following questions: Your core textbook (Hook and Jenkins, 2019, Ch.6) is your initial point of reference

1. While explaining the strategic importance of a recruitment and selection process, critically analyse some of the considerations an organisation should make during staff recruitment. (30 Marks)

2. Discuss some of the recruitment methods, techniques and approaches the firm can use to recruit staff from global labour markets. In your response, you must also discuss innovative approaches to addressing skill shortages. (30 Marks)

3. Interviews are an integral part of the selection process. What are some of the variations of interview techniques your firm should use to select staff from the global market. Your answer must clearly evaluate each of the techniques while discussing their advantages and disadvantages. You must also comment on the skills required by the interviewer to conduct interviews effectively. (30 Marks)

4. Use correct academic writing technique, including effective structure, grammar, spelling, use of in-text citations, and a full reference list, all of which should use the Harvard referencing convention. (10 Marks)

Organisations (for Benchmarking)

When designing a HRM business proposal it is important that you benchmark your plan and proposed methods. You can use any organisation of your choice as an example of success and best practice. You must apply critical thinking in your analysis in relation to your selected organisation against the areas outlined above.

Before selecting the organisation, you are strongly advised to discuss this with your lecturer and ensure that there is sufficient online material available.

Suggested Reading

Your work must be fully supported with references (cited in the Harvard style). Evidence should be used from appropriate sources, such as,

1. Hook., C., Jenkins, A., 2019. Introducing Human Resource Management. 8th ed. Pearson.

2. Banfield. P., Kay. R., and Royles. D., 2018. Introduction to Human Resource Development. 3rd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. For an extensive list and further suggested reading, please refer to the module Sources and Reading List found on the VLE. 

To achieve success, the following is required:

• The majority of work should demonstrate your own original thinking, with data, quotes, paraphrased opinions, and other evidence used where appropriate to evidence and support your own, original debate.

• This should be delivered in a report format, consisting of:

o Cover Page

o Executive Summary

o Contents Page

o Introduction

o Findings Section – the main body of the report, separated into any number of sub-sections as required.

o Conclusion

o Recommendations

o Reference List

o Appendices

• Students demonstrating higher level academic skills of analysis and evaluation, and sophisticated use of evidence/sources, will score in the higher grade-ranges.

• Referencing conventions and the credibility of sources is a vital aspect of academic writing. Students demonstrating a higher level of academic rigour in these areas will score in the higher grade-ranges.