Rhetoric Analysis

‌Analyze the rhetoric of the artist and discuss whether the work has achieved or matched their goals. In this case, you must discuss purpose, message, style, in addition to the viewer’s perspective. You would use the artist’s desсrіption of their work to then describe the work and the audience’s perception of it. This would be answered best by discussing one artist and focusing on multiple examples of their work. Your sources would be the sites displaying the author’s work. You can also refer to the reference source “Visual Arts”Compare and contrast two different works of art (from different artists). Discuss the differences with a focus on message of the work, purpose, style, and effect on the audience. Does the work match the creator’s intent? Does it effectively communicate with the audience? Again, your sources are the sites with the author’s work; you can reference the Colbert interview with John Lewis, Mine Okubo’s Preface, any of the TedTalks, quotes from Dorothea Lange, etc.