Recycling and Personal Context Assignment

1.4  Assignment

Objective:  Prepare  to participate in controversial   discourse   by exploring   and formulating    personal   context


1.  Read the  "At Issue"  box on page 61.

2.  View the  attached   PowerPoint    presentation   on  Understanding     Your Personal   Context:  understanding    Your Personal    Context.QQtx!   A+  (Source:   Montgomery   College  English  Faculty)

3. For  each of the  8 context  dimensions,    write  a short  paragraph   of 3-5 sentences  explaining    your  personal  context.

4. For  each dimension,     rate whether  it's very  important,   important,    or not important.

5.  In paragraph  9 answer   the  question:    Where   do you  stand  in regards  to recycling?   That  is,  how  far are you willing   to go to make sure  you do not create  long-lasting     waste? Do you generally  believe in beneficial    environmenta1     effects  of recycling?    Do  you follow  waste  sorting  guidelines  only   when  you  have  to or do  you  go an extra  mile?   Do  you try  to limit   your  purchase  of items  that   require recycling    or are hard to recycle,  e.g.    plastic   bags, disposable   containers,   plastic  straws,   etc? Exprain   how  your  personal    context   affects  your  thoughts    on this issue.

Length:  9 short  paragraphs

Because   the  information    you  share  is  personal,    you will submit  this  assignment   only   to me,  and it will  be evaluated   only on completeness.


Anna  writes:   Dimension    3 -  Culture   (important)    "I  have  never  thought   much  about   my culture,    but  when  I think  about  it,  I realize   it has been a huge   influence.    My culture   values   education,    so there was never  a question   of whether   I was going   to college  -  I think  my  family  would  have  disowned  me if ever  suggested  otherwise!   Also,  nobody  ever  stepped   through    our doors  without   being  offered food  -  lots  of it.  If my mom  needed to grill   a dozen    burgers,   she bought  enough   ground  beef for two  dozen,   just  in case.   Also,  in my culture,    if someone  needs    help,   you don't  ask if the  person  needs help;  you just try to help   without   being  asked.   This exercise   has  made  me realize  that  part  of my sense of good  manners    and right   and  wrong  is a result  of how  I grew  up."

Due:   Wednesday,  Week 1

Where   do I  post   my  work?   After  drafting   and saving  your  work  in  Word,   please   open  the  submission    window  (click  on  "Write  Submission"),     then  cut  and paste  your  work  from your  Word  document right  into  the submission    box below   in the  Assignments  tool.

Please,  do NOT submit  an attachment   and do NOT paste your  work  In the  Comments   window. Please  make sure  all formatting   remains   intact. If you  are not  sure  how to submit   your  work,  please review  the  video  on how to submit  an assignment.