Survey Psychology


Level C

  1. Complete the online Interest Profiler/Self-Directed Search available through the Department of Labor Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Interest Profiler. The link is available in this module, and on the My Next Move website.
  2. This assessment will generate a three-letter codetype, based on Holland’s RIASEC codes (the top 3, in descending order).
  3. Create a table of Occupational Listings –select FIVE career options each from zones 3, 4, and 5 (= 15 jobs total).
  4. Select two jobs (“career aspirations”) that are most appealing to you (from the above 15 listed ); using the links on those careers, list the personality traits that correspond with these careers

Reflection Prompt (one paragraph): Which of these traits are congruent/consistent with your personality and interests? Which are not? Use a few examples of your personality to support your assessment.

5.      Using the link available in this module on ‘Work Values’, select the top two categories of values that are most important to you in a career

Reflection Prompt (one paragraph): Based on these two work values, which careers emerge that are congruent with the with the career options identified in the interest profiler? Anything new emerge, or any surprises?

6.      Using the Occupational Outlook Handbook link on the module, locate 1-2 jobs (by occupation group on the left-hand navigation link) that emerged as careers of interest to you based on this assessment.

Reflection Prompt (one paragraph): What is the median salary and occupational outlook for these careers in California? Is this consistent with your salary expectations/needs?

Level B

Complete all Criteria for Level C -AND-

1.      Complete the Values in Action (VIA) Character Strengths Survey, developed by Dr. Martin Seligman (Positive Psychology), University of Pennsylvania. The link is available in this module.

2.      Include a table with your 24 Character Strengths, in descending order of importance. Include a brief description of each strength (from the website).

3.      Identify your TOP THREE Character Strengths (referred to as “signature strengths”) and discuss the following:

Reflection Prompt (two paragraph): In what ways do your signature strengths align with the “career aspirations” (two jobs) you selected in Part C? What are some ways in which your signature strengths might conflict with these career options?

Level C

Complete all Criteria for Level B & C -AND-

1.      Complete the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II); the scoring (and example) is included on the document “Assessment: Keirsey Temperament Sorter”. Identify the four-letter code type and your temperament type and role variant.  

Descriptive Results (1 paragraph): Based on the website and materials in this module, briefly describe your four-letter codetype, AND temperament type (e.g., “Guardian”) + role variant (e.g., “Provider”).

Reflection Prompt (two paragraph): Based on these results, reflect on the ways in which these aspects of your personality style/preferences might align with and/or conflict with the “career aspirations” (two jobs) you selected in part C?