Hamlet Final Project Options

2) A 1400 Word Essay: The essay will need to contain a thesis that you will either prove or disprove. 

Two topics to select from (if you have another idea just clear it with Miss Fry):
I) Do people choose to seek revenge because of their inherent nature or does a person's life and background influence their decision?
Decide whether Hamlet was naturally born as a vengeful person or whether he was motivated by what happened in his life to argue how and why people seek revenge. Your paper should address both Hamlet and society.

II) Is Hamlet's madness feigned or real? If it is fake, what evidence in the texts supports this? If it is real, research what mental health issue Hamlet may have been suffering from and provide evidence from the text that shows his symptoms. 

a) Requires minimum of 2 outside sources 
b) Requires minimum of 3 quotes from the text correctly cited
c) MLA formatting for in-text citations and works cited page