Jane Eyre

Chapters XXV-- XXVIII of Jane Eyre (pages 419--514).

Response Prompt: Identify a point in the reading at which you paused because you recognize in it, under the surface, a certain pattern sustained or broken. It should be an observation that might be missed by the careless reader, and it can help us see things (character, theme, plot, or narrative strategy…etc.) differently. Elaborate (in 250—350 words) by referencing other parts of the reading and possibly also other parts of the work you read earlier. Focus on details in the form of quotation and paraphrase to make your point and to demonstrate your familiarity with the text. You should not rely on outside sources. Your response must have a title, and it must indicate the part of the reading you are responding to: For example, “Light and Darkness in Chapter 19 of Jane Eyre”