Individual assignment: country analysis.

Individual assignment: country analysis.

Competencies: Critical thinking, Communication, Strategy development

MBA outcomes: (1) Communicate clearly in writing and speaking; (2) Apply logical processes to formulate clear, defensible ideas; (5) Analyze how business is changing as a result of globalization and technological developments and the implications of these changes for marketing and strategy in different countries and cultures; (8) Employ the tools, tecniques and frameworks of strategy and marketing to plan for an organization’s growth and innovation

Proficiency Scoring categories Highly proficient - 90-100% Proficient - 80-89% Developing Proficiency- 70-79% Low/No Proficiency-  0-69%Weighted score
Format: Executive Summary,Introduction and Conclusion (10%) Summary brings out the substance of the report, explaining major recommendations and their logic, Introduces the topic, its relevance to the discipline and to the appropriate audience  Introduction lays the groundwork for the direction of the paperConclusions are precise and strongly supported within the paper    

B.  Critical thinking factors (30%) show you can apply logical processes to formulate clear and defensible ideas based on analysis of facts and ethical considerations Identify and clearly explain the issue, question or problem under critical considerationLocate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problemEvaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and relevance to the problemConsider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem: Develop well reasoned ideas, conclusions, or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarksPresent and explain inferences and deductions that follow logically from the evidence Assert logical conclusions only when sufficient evidence supports them, distinguishing between attainable and unattainable solutions
C.  Communication factors (30%) show you can Communicate clearly in writing: Organize document clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignmentArticulate thesis and purpose clearly; Support thesis and purpose fully.Transition smoothly and develop connections from point to point.Create coherent progress from introduction through conclusionDevelop coherent paragraphs or points so that each is internally unified as part of the whole document.Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideasUse a variety of credible sources to support, extend and inform an original thesis or idea, integrating source material smoothlySummarize, paraphrase and quote accurately.Tailor communications to the audienceEmploy precise, appropriate languageUse sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audienceFollow conventions of standard written EnglishCreate neat and professional looking documents appropriate to the project or presentationEmploy visual aids as appropriate to enhance the presentation message    
Strategy Content factors (30%) show you can design, analyze and evaluate strategy for the domestic and international marketEvaluate strategic implications for international markets of an organization’s industry.Estimate the size and growth of market for an organization’s product/serviceIdentify the general external environmental threats and opportunities, using PESTEL analysisArticulate opportunities and analyze their impact on organizational operationsAssess the strategic organizational impact of relevant technologies Develop, recommend and defend strategies to help mitigate risk    
Grade categories: A range (90 – 100%) B range (80 – 89%) C range (70 – 79%) F range (Below 70%)Overall Score:  A + B + C+ D 

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