PUBH: Child Stressors


Rapidly changing social and technological environment also changes types of stressors that impact current children and youth. For this assignment you will be conducting an anonymous interview of a child between the age of 12-17 and providing a summary on contemporary stressors in child and youth.

Part 1: If you can’t find someone in that age, you may interview yourself reflecting on the types of stressors that were present in that age range. Create a list of 7-10 interview questions related to the assignment topic (some suggestions are given below and need to be part of the submission). Conduct an in-person interview (this may be completed over the phone, but not via email) and take notes and/or voice record the interview. List of questions and interview notes/recording will be turned in. Note, if your submission choice is a video or voice recording, submit your recording and a separate interview summary page.

Suggested interview questions are below:

1.     How old are you?

2.       What are the 5 main things that cause you stress in your life? Note: If you need clarification on any one item, ask a follow-up question. For example, if the person answers “My sister,” you need to ask, “What is it about your sister that causes you stress?” Have the person stick to a very short answer; do not explore the details of the stressors.

3.       Which of these 5 things causes you the most stress?

4.       How does stress in your life affect your health, either your physical health or your mental health, or both?

Part 2: Summarize and reflect on the interview and answer the following questions.

·         Overview. What is your reaction to the list of stressors? Were you surprised by any of them? If so, why? If not, why not?

·         Health Issue. Summarize the health effects of stress noted by the child.

·         Recommendations. Based on the list of 5 stressors provided by the child, what could be done to minimize these stressors? Consider environmental factors as well as others.

Present your findings in a format of your choice answering the questions above (diagram, presentation (e.g., PPT or Prezi), voice recording, traditional paper in word doc, etc.).

Submit part 1: Written interview summary with list of questions (no page limit) and part 2: Reflection Summary (max 5 slides or page word doc).