Ethical Issue Paper

Length: 3 to 4 pages

Requirement: Double-spaced, 12-point font, times new roman, 1-inch margins

Topic: Research a specific ethical issue that has come up in the news or from personal experience. This could be from the news (there are plenty), from something you have experienced at work, or from academic articles on the issue. If you have questions or concerns about how to find the issue, please email me.

I have one stipulation: The topic should not be abortion. Here is the structure I am looking for:

1.   Background of the issue (just enough so that if I – as the reader – do not know the issue I will understand what you are talking about. Even if you are sure I know

the issue, give some background as if I didn’t).

2.   The Ethical issue that occurred (what happened? Did a company not protect the consumer? Did someone do something in politics? Did a friend leave you in a bad situation?)

1 and 2 do not require your position on the issue. BUT:

3.   Tell me why you think this happened and how it could have been avoided (what should have done?); or do you think anything was even wrong? Make sure to justify your position with arguments.

4.   When you are giving your position, please include some theory we have learned in the course: you could discuss it from a utilitarian, virtue ethics, or deontological background, for instance.

You are welcome to use outside sources but you do not need to do so. If you cite I don’t

care how you do it as long as I can find the citation if I want to check it.

This is NOT written as my “How to write a philosophy paper” suggests in the “Essay Materials” section. Rather, think of it more as a research paper with your feedback. This means that the structure can be looser than what I say is necessary for the philosophy paper (that will be at the end of the semester).

Past Ethical Issue Examples

1.   Cheating in online courses

2.   Colonizing the Moon

3.   Standardized testing (we take 112)

4.   National Anthem kneeling

5.   Separation of triplets at birth who found each other later

6.   Sams Club bad policies

7.   Confidentiality and Mental Health

8.   Steroids

9.   Speed limits

10. Slippery slopes and white lies

11. Animal cruelty during meat production

12. Immigrant Children

13. How tipping is implemented

14. Telling the truth vs. protecting a friend

15. Supreme court nominee accused of sexual assault

16. Designer Babies