1.6 Assignment

This assignment is designed to help you apply your knowledge of argumentation concepts (claim, reason, appeals, and more) to an existing written argument and practice identifying elements of argument in a written argumentative text.


  • Analyze written argument for appeals and structure


To complete this assignment, first review the information on argument structure and appeals on page 14-21 and watch the attached PowerPoint presentation Argument Structure and Types.pptx to review the key concepts

Next, re-read the Los Angeles Times editorial “It’s Time to Phase Out Single-Use Plastic” on pages 71-73 and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the claim of the presented argument? Restate it in your own words.
  2. What reasons are given to support and explain the claim? Formulate reasons as statements that logically support or explain the claim.
  3. What kind of information is used as evidence to back up the reasons?
  4. What arguments against the editorial’s position are identified? How are they refuted?
  5. Point out an example of logos used in the article. Where does the argument rely on logical reasoning/rational thinking?
  6. Point out an example of pathos used in the article. Where does the editorial appeal to the reader’s emotions? What emotions does it appeal to?
  7. Do you consider the source (Los Angeles Times) credible (strong ethos) or not (week ethos) and why?

Due: Sunday, week 1