Climate Justice

Writing a detailed project report

Your detailed project report should be five to 10 pages long (up to 3,000 words). Pictures and any annexes can increase number of pages; they are extra. Use your creative and innovative thoughts and skills to write your detailed report. Please follow the following guideline:

1.   Finalize your project topic: You can continue from assignment 3 or choose a new one. Give a proper title to your paper in five to 15 words.

2.   Broadly, you can develop your report using the following sub-headings:

•     Introduction: is about brief description of your topic, purpose of your paper, justification for the paper and signposting what your readers can get going through the rest of the paper.

•   Project approach: is about how you collected data/information to write this paper.

•     Project Findings: are about what you observed and what other people said. Your findings should include three to five main arguments supported by examples and further elaboration that can be shown in three to five distinct paragraphs.

•    Lessons learned: is about what you learned from the project. It is interpretation of what you observed and/or what other people said, i.e., what it means for you and/or why it is important.

•   Conclusion: is about key take away messages of the project you have completed.

•   Future implications: are about how people benefit from your project’s findings and learning.

Explain briefly, 1) why other people need to consider your learning in their work, and 2) how you will use them in future.

•     Acknowledgements: are about appreciating or saying “thank you” to the people who contributed to your project, e.g., interviewees and classmates who commented on your report.

•     Expenses summary: is about presenting the costs of doing your project. They may be direct costs (e.g., food, transportation) and indirect costs (e.g., your wages). Even if you did not spend directly, you can talk about your indirect costs. Remember that nothing is free: Either you are paying or somebody is paying for you.

•     References: You should use standard Citation and Referencing style consistently. It will be better to list at least five references using a standard style, e.g., ASA or APA style. You may visit and ask library staff to help you to do citation and referencing correctly.

•     Annexes: can include information that may be interesting or useful for your readers but you could not include them in your main part of the report, e.g., interviews, field observations, posters, etc.

3.   You should also include pictures and diagrams that are taken while executing your project or as appropriate from other resources.

4.   Your report should be typewritten as editable MS Word document with minimum 10-point Times- New-Roman font, double-spaced, 1” margins all sides in A4 or Letter paper-size, and page numbered.

You can use "spelling and grammar" tool to correct typing errors.