Foreign Direct Investment

Assessment Details

Your Final Assessment is in the form of a structured brief, where you will

  1. Explain the micro and macro context of the research question to be investigated (500 words)
  2. Reflect on and justify the chosen philosophical and epistemological approach (500 words)
  3. Critically assess and reflect on a range of relevant methodological approaches discovered in literature that could form a solid foundation for further research (1500 words)
  4. In it you must provide a rationale for the research area you chose and to briefly outline the links with other research in related areas. This is not a literature review as conducted in your very first unit but rather a methodological review. It is important to point out why you believe that your research methods might contribute to the development of your profession or academic field.
  5. You should also complete an online application seeking ethical approval of your chosen methodological approach using the MMU EthOS system. You do not need to actually obtain approval, but you will not be awarded a final mark if you have not submitted an ethical request form.