Family Life Cycle: Food Service Industry Case Analysis

The food service industry is one of the most profitable in the United States today. Players in this sector contribute immensely to the development of the economy. Business enterprises target different individuals in the provision of this service. Depending on the target population, service providers tailor their products to suit the interests of their consumers. The family life cycle is an important component in determining the consumerism of certain products. Through studying family life cycles, marketers are able to structure their product campaigns to reap maximum benefits (Lin & Lehto, 2006). Family life cycle is an important marketing tool as it creates a perfect market segment.

Problem (Issue) Statement

  • Is there a direct link between family life cycle staging and dining preferences?
  • What is the correlation between dining preferences and marketing?

Data Analysis

A greater percentage of American adults (about 61%) purchased food from restaurants and cafes at least twice a week. This category is predominantly the unmarried. 71% of the visitors to the hotels prefer a full-course menu, often involving salads. Besides, the customers prefer to sit and enjoy the meal, as opposed to carrying it away. However, those who prefer to carry home the ready meal want demand prior pricing on the meals. A larger percentage (61%) of the adult customers prefers quiet joints as they enjoy their meals.

The data presented in the findings is statistically fair. Researchers demonstrated objectivity in collecting and presenting the information. Information was collected from all the classes of people in the society. Children, adults, the married, and the unmarried were considered in collecting the information. Besides, all the peculiar circumstances of individuals, including their levels of incomes, work obligations, and distance from restaurants were factored in.

In structuring a business outlet, the management must put into consideration the specific interests of the target groups. It is by understanding their clients that the businesses are able to effectively attract and retain them. Marketers of specific products can utilize this information to easily reach their clients. Promoters can utilize the information to reach their clients with little difficulty and at lesser expenses.

Key Decision Criteria

The recommendations reached at in this research are informed by the analysis from the data collected. Based on the analyses, a number of conclusions were reached which can inform future business designs in the community, such as the location and setting of restaurants, marketing designs, and types of foods to serve at these outlets.

Alternatives Analysis

The research in question supposes that the family cycles are the important determinant factor in understanding feeding habits among family members. Notably, the assertion that children and unmarried adults frequent restaurants or eat-out joints is unfounded. To say the least, the claim is outdated. In the present times, there are various reasons, such as work engagements, school programs, funds availability, and personal preferences that influence feeding habits (Lin & Lehto, 2006). It would be correct to say that changing social and economic circumstances dictate eating behaviors or patterns.


  • Conduct the research using different parameters, such as school or work schedules
  • Expand the scope of the research to cover suburban areas

Action and Implementation Plan

Alternative research methods can be conducted in the suburban areas and taking into account the schedules of the different people involved. School going children should be treated differently as home-schooled children. In addition, adults have different work schedules, sometimes making it hard for them to take a break from work to find a meal. This greatly affects their eating patterns. Data from all these categories must be collected and analyzed to obtain a fair analysis.


Lin, Y. & Lehto, X. (2006). A study of female travelers' needs trajectory and family life cycle. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, I5(1), 65-87.