International Child Care (ICC) Involvement in the Society

International Child Care (ICC) is a faith-based organization operating in Haiti and Dominican Republic. Since its inception in 1967, the firm has grown into a large charitable trust, serving millions, especially the poverty-stricken people in the society. The goal of the foundation is to eliminate poverty through educational support, financial support, and volunteer resources. The trust receives its funding from well-wishers as well as established organizations.

Concern Worldwide US is an international organization bent to meeting the needs of the poorer of the poorest globally. It presently operates in more than 29 countries, with a strong focus on the needs of women and children. The foundation operates on the principle that poverty is eradicable, and, as such, combined efforts are necessary to eliminate it. Its uniqueness lies in its methodology of focusing on sustainable eradication of poverty. The firm receives its capital from donors as well as good-hearted individuals.  

International Child Care addresses poverty by preventing illnesses and restoring health. Concerning preventing illnesses, the foundation offers various community-based services that largely aid in averting maladies. Common examples of its services include immunization, prenatal care, oral-rehydration, training traditional birth assistants, and clean water projects (About ICC, 2015). Concerning restoring health, it has various clinics within the two countries that provide outpatient treatment. In particular, it offers treatment to those suffering from TB and HIV. By endeavoring to promote good health, the foundation significantly helps in alleviating poverty in view of the fact that there is a strong correlation between poor health and poverty.

Concern Worldwide US addresses poverty by involving local leaders as well as governments in their initiatives. The trust believes that poverty is eradicable in environments wherein strong networks exist between local leaders and aid organizations (Community Empowerment, 2015. To achieve this, it has the custom of engaging leaders wherever it pitches its tent. It likewise ensures the participation of women representatives in its projects. To further ensure that its initiates are not a waste of resources, it involves governments as a means to safeguard the aided from corrupt individuals.

In view of the working pattern of Concern Worldwide US, four theories appear evident in its strategy – namely feministic theory, chaos theory, social learning theory, and critical theory. Concerning feministic theory, the organization operates on the ideology that women empowerment largely eradicates poverty. It equally believes that women are the most underprivileged, and, as such, their empowerment is central. Concerning critical theory, the firm holds the view that actions are stronger than words, the very reason it has developed several programs aimed at eradicating poverty. Regarding social learning theory, the trust uses the theory to develop connections between locals and government. Lastly, regarding chaos theory, the firm believes that poverty results from systematic order, which is why it strives to build connections from the top to the bottom.

International Child Care utilizes four main theories – notably, social phenomenology, social exchange theory, chaos theory, and critical theory. Pertaining to social phenomenology, the trust holds the view that education is one of the agencies of eradicating poverty, the very reason it trains traditional birth assistants as well as poor children. In connection with social exchange theory, the establishment believes that stratification is one the causes of poverty, which is why it strives to eliminate poverty through supportive health services. Relating to critical theory, the organization differentiates itself from the traditional theory of only endeavoring to explain the causes of poverty. Instead, the firm believes in taking actions as a way to change the well-being of impoverished people.


About ICC. (2015). Retrieved from   

“Community Empowerment - Concern.” (2015). Retrieved from  

Leon-Guerrero, A. (2015). Social problems: Community, policy, and social action (p. 584). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

“The Top 10 Solutions to Cut Poverty and Grow the Middle Class.” (2014). Retrieved from