
Adamson, Toman & Dixon (2012) notes that the traditional solution sales are being evaded by customers and sales representatives for the current customer invented approach.


The article identifies customer potentials in finding their own buying solutions. It highlights the capabilities of the sales representatives in creating sales solutions and the increasing know-how of consumers in identifying their own solutions. Hence, the main aim of the article is to highlight the key strategies that salespeople should emphasize to warrant a higher optimum level of customer behavior to sales performance and customer attitude.

Important Aspects of the Article

From a personal perspective, the article has noted that the traditional selling solutions are no-longer influencing a firm’s sales performance and customer behavior. It is therefore, imprudent for salespeople to utilize insight-based selling strategies, which will tune customers to recognize unknown needs. In such cases, selling representatives should strategize on winning the consumers before they become aware of their own needs.

Article Conclusion

The articles notes in conclusion that it is time for sales representatives to ditch traditional selling solutions. This is based on the fact that the current consumers are utilizing publicly available information, third-party buying consultants, and complex procurement departments to achieve lucrative deals and evade sales representatives. As such, adaptive sales representatives, who coach clients on the best buying strategies, challenge consumers with challenging intuitions, and seek clients who are aware of change will succeed.

How the Article Supports My Argument

Improving sales performance is the main aim of every sales representative and firms. Together with the findings of Homburg, Muller & Klarmann (2011), they validate the notion of improving sales performance as the main aim of firms and salespeople and further offer unique solutions that firms and sales reps should consider for customer-oriented orientations. Based on the fact that the research conducted an empirical data analysis to determine its conclusions, I am confident that the findings are of high significance to my business endeavors since I can apply them as a means to increase my client base, and thus, leading to a higher sales performance.

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Adamson, B., Toman., N., & Dixon, M. (2012). The End of Solution Sales. Harvard Business School, 60-68. Retrieved from

Homburg, C., Müller, M., & Klarmann, M. (2011). When Should the Customer Really Be King? On the Optimum Level of Salesperson Customer Orientation in Sales Encounters. Journal of Marketing, 75(2), 55-74. Retrieved from