[Solved]- The Product Marketing Research Plan

Identified company’s values

The company values are quality of production, environmental sustenance, continued growth, and innovation. The case of innovation is evident where they common are set to lower a number of workers and replaced them with the robots. Robots are factor and efficient in their work while under the control of humans. Thus, ASG can make more output than before; leading to higher production levels. It supports environmental sustainability through the recycling of old materials. Also, this is evident through the support of planting trees to boost the environment. Continued growth is observed through the specialization of the production lines to ensure that each category of products is well addressed and marketed.

Values to align with the company’s values, mission, and objectives

Once hired in the company, the first value is to formulate a culture of effective communication. This will target to create a good way that employees in the company can easily communicate and create solutions together to overcome problems and work on great ideas that will enhance the marketing aspect of the company. Becoming one of the three managers, it will be important to work together rather than compete (Golob et al., 2017). As a result, good communication will enhance collaboration towards a common goal that targets to promote the company in making a higher level of sales and producing better products that meet the desires of the consumers (Chowdhury, 2019). 

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