Solved: Summative Assignment for Developing Professional Practice (5DVP/01)

1.0  Introduction

The CIPD HR profession map comprises a comprehensive outlook of how an HR department functions and adds value to a company (CIPD, 2012). The map also demonstrates the functions of various HR members from various levels based on an individual s experience and qualifications. The CIPD HR profession map has been designed to assist HR professionals at all career levels and offers universal standards for the HR profession.

The CIPD HR profession map comprises three main sections: professional area, behaviors, and bands and transitions. Each of these areas addresses specific issues with regard to the HR profession. The professional area addresses what human resource practitioners should do or know. The second part, behavior, demonstrates all the activities conducted within the HR profession. Lastly, bands and transitions illustrate the manner of developing roles from one to the other within the HR profession. As proposed by Ulrich, Younger, Brockbank, and Ulrich (2013), the CIPD map is divided into four parts of competence that illustrate the various levels of the human resource profession. The CIPD map design is categorized into two major parts that support its various purposes (Parkes & Davis, 2013). The first aspect is strategy, insights, and solutions that offer human resource practitioners actionable awareness, insights, and solutions tailored around a firm understanding of the operations within a business. The next feature of the CIPD map is leadership and management, whose purpose is to offer dynamic leadership with insight that empowers HR professionals to have a self-drive that would enable them to shape themselves, others, and the various business activities within the organization. 

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